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Trixie's POV

'Ms. Katya' is not home because she has to attend the meeting according to Butler Mark. I wonder, what is she really doing with her life? Maybe she's a really bad person then she's a murderer or maybe an assassin? Or a call girl. She's a call girl and she is rich because she is selling herself to desperate girls who wants to have sex.

"Miss Trixie, is there a problem?" Butler Mark asked. He's been standing there since shit-head left. I told him to sit down but he refused to do so because according to him, it is one of the rules.

"Nothing. Wait, can you please stop calling me 'Miss'? I'm still young." It's always Miss here and Miss there, i feel like I'm so old that they have to call me Miss.

"No Miss Trixie. It is one of Ms. Katya's rules to respect you and we are not allo--"

"Fine whatever but please if we're all alone, can you just call me Trixie? Cause that's my only name. There's no 'Miss' in front of it." They are too devoted to their boss that is obviously a jackass.

"O-oh. O-okay Trixie." He said with hesitation. It's like they're robots here already.

"Come here, sit beside me. And don't try to refuse me because I swear to God I will strangle your neck until you sit down." He's been standing for a long time and finally, he sat down hurriedly, maybe he thinks that I will really strangle him. Oh well at least he is sitting down now.

"Oh, Butler Mark what is Katya's last name?" I asked. I know that her name was called during the auction but i really didn't pay much attention.

Anyway, it's better if I know her whole name so that I know what name will I file the sue.

"Ms. Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, she is included in the bloodline of Zamolodchikova that we all know." That WE ALL KNOW. I don't even know who that was. Maybe she really is famous. I just don't know her. So that makes her not famous right? Because if you are famous then everyone should know you but I don't know her. I talk too much don't I?

"Um, what does she do for a living?" I'm gonna interview Butler Mark while I still can.

"Ms. Katya is a business tycoon. She's been trained after Señorita Pat died 10 years ago. Señorito Kirk is the one who trained her in the world of business. She was so young that time, she's only 14. She didn't enjoy her life being a kid because her father wants her to focus on their business. But on her age today, which is 21, she is now the youngest multi-billionaire here in USA."

So on the other hand, shit-heads life is pretty shitty too. But that doesn't matter. She's still a jackass.

We heard a honk outside the door. She's back.

All the maids made their way to the front door. This is also the first thing I noticed when I came here, they will form a line on the main door and when their shit of a boss makes her way inside, everyone will bow their heads.

"Let me leave you here now, Miss Trixie." He called me 'Miss' again because Katya is now here.

Just because she is paying all her 15 maids, 3 gardeners, 2 drivers, 5 guards and 1 butler doesn't mean she has to treat them this way.

"ALL OF YOU!!!" All their heads turned to look at me, preparing for their jackass boss to come inside. "ALL OF YOU HERE IN THE LIVING ROOM, SIT DOWN!! NO ONE WILL STAND UP!!"

"No, Miss Trixie I'm sorry." Butler Mark said like he was begging. What's his problem?

"Butler Mark, I got this." I said. I really don't know what to do but I don't want to see them being treated like they're toys.

"Miss Trixie I'm sorry but we cannot do that." One maid said.

"IF YOU DON'T SIT DOWN RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT I WILL TELL KATYA TO FIRE ALL OF YOU." They ran all the way from the main door to the sofa and sat down. Did they really think I am so close to Katya?

The door opens and every maid was shocked, scared even. But the one that is shocked of all is Katya.

"BUTLER MARK!"Katya shouted then Butler Mark hurried to his side.

"What happened to the protocol?!" She's mad?

"I told them to sit down." I said before Butler Mark answer her. My hand sitting on my hips as if I am the owner of this house. Oh god.

"And who told you to do that?" Katya said while getting close to me. She's irritated. Good.

"Me. It's not good to treat your maids like toys just because you pay them. They're people too Katya." I looked at the maids that was shocked because of what I am doing to their boss.

"They are just here to help you. You are not suppose to treat them as if some kind of robot." I stopped once I noticed that she is getting closer to me. As in CLOSE. But because i'm brave, I didn't take a step back.

"Wait what are you do---"

She pulled me closer to her and the thing that is bound to happen, happened.

She kiss me. Why did she kiss me?! It wasn't a kiss like a... kiss. It was more like a smack, gentle and sweet. But still, she kissed me!

I froze and she took a step back.

"Fine, I'll let them have a break. Pick a destination wherever you want but until they are out of this house, you will be my personal slave."

Well fuck.

Sold for Ten Million Dollars (Trixya Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now