Twenty Five

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• Trixie's POV •

"Alright, bye bye." Then I hung up the phone. Milk called to check up on me and I told her that I am okay. That's what she wants to hear right? That I am okay even though deep inside, I know that I am not.

Where did my old self go?

The strong side of mine?

I knew it!

Katya made me soft and I hate it!

I didn't tell Milk about what Alaska and I talked about.

She showed me all the invitation cards, souvenirs and all the stuff about the wedding of Violet and.... Katya.

I can't believe that she just let me go like that.

I also don't know when I'm going out of the country or where will I live. I just know that Alaska is the one that is taking care all of it.

Should I trust Alaska?


I have to.

Because since the very beginning, I already don't have a choice.

I don't wanna be a burden to Milk, I have nothing to go back to Katya.

But Alaska?

She's here, she is helping me.

All the hate that I am feeling towards her because of what she did to Katya and I has vanished.

Because Katya let go of me already.

• Third Person POV •

"Miss Katya, I don't even know what is Trixie's plan right now." Butler Mark told Katya.

She has been informed that Milk was already out of the country.

She almost ran towards her private plane just to go to London, but Butler Mark told her that Trixie didn't tag along.

"Where is she?" Katya asked.

"As far as we know, she is staying at Milk's house."

What is in your mind Trixie? Are you going to leave me?

Katya is fighting herself if she is going to talk to Trixie or if she's gonna wait for the next thing to happen.

Shit! I'm such a coward!

Deep inside, she was glad that Trixie didn't go with Milk. There's a part of her that hopes that she is the reason why Trixie didn't go.

Butler Mark's phone instantly rang.

He turned his back against Katya as a sign of excuse.

Minutes later, he faced Katya with a blank expression. Obviously thinking.

"Miss Katya, it's Miss Alaska. She wants to use your name in getting a ticket going out of the country."

Katya barely cared on what her sister wants. Alaska has been doing this for a long time, that's why she just nodded and continued thinking.


The day went drastic for Katya. She didn't have the motivation to focus at work.

One meeting came and Alaska is part of the board. She can see very well that Katya isn't focused on work and she knows exactly what's up, the constant reason.

After the meeting, Alaska walked towards her sister.

"So sis, what's up?" Then she poked Katya's shoulder.

"Nothing, so you're going out of the country again huh?" Katya said with a less interested voice, she's just saying that because they are outside the office. And she doesn't want her employees to think that Alaska and her is fighting again. Just to keep a convo.

"No, bought it for a friend." Alaska said then grinned, "So how's the broken hearted thing?"

"I wanted to talk to her, tomorrow maybe." She said out of nowhere which shocked Alaska. Even Katya was shocked at what she said. She was thinking about this, but she just don't know if it's right and if it should be done.

"Seriously Katya?" Alaska said hiding the anxiousness.

"Yes." That's it and Katya went inside the office.

And Alaska was left there in the hallway trying to gather herself..

The flight that she got for Trixie is scheduled 3 days from now, but if Katya is about to talk to her tomorrow, the odds may turn against her.

In an instance, she dialed the telephone number of Milk's house.

A maid answered it which made her even more pissed. In this time, Trixie is the only one she wants to talk to.

"Yes Alaska?" Trixie answered with a croaked voice.

"Pack your bags Trixie, you're going tonight." With that, Trixie gave an assurance and hung up the phone.

Alaska scheduled Trixie's flight a little early than before, she's now leaving the country later, 9 PM tonight for Paris, France. It costs a lot of money but it's just a penny for a rich girl like her.

She's nervous, because she knows for a fact that Katya's butler is still possibly tracking on the flight schedule. Trixie just needs to leave the country early, without anyone knowing.

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