Twenty Three

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• Alaska's POV •

I've been trying to keep myself calm after hearing my sister's phone call with her butler. I can't believe it! She really can't get over with that bitch!

"Looks like you're in a bad mood." My cousin, Willam is here with my fellow model Courtney.

"Shut up Willam!" They know very well why I'm such in a bad mood. Ugh! How many times do i have to erase that girl in Katya's mind?!

This is irritating!!

"Why don't you just leave Katya alone and let her live her life? Besides it's HER life Alaska." Gosh! Even my cousin is telling me this?

"Honey, you don't understand us girls. We are just protecting what is ours." I saw Courtney hugged Willam. I just smirked. I knew all along that their relationship is somewhat weird, I think Courtney just came with Willam just to be with her.

"Whatever. Try not to stress yourself too much Alaska." Willam said and waved goodbye at me. They just chilled a little bit here in my apartment.

Shit! I need to do something before Katya got a hand with that.... that girl!


• Third Person POV •

"Any news?" Kayya quickly asked as soon as she entered the house.

"We've been informed that there's a 2 booked flight going to London but we didn't have the chance to access the date." Butler Mark said while reaching out for Katya's coat since she just entered the house.

"Is she..... is she going with Milk?" She asked with a worried face that even though how hard she tries to cover it, it shows.

And Butler Mark knows it too well.

"We don't also know that, it saddens me to say this but that is all the information that I can give you Miss Katya." Then Butler Mark bowed his head as a sign of saying sorry.

Katya just exhaled deeply, are you going away from me Trixie?

"Well, find out more!" She shouted, stress is eating her up. She knows that sadness is eating her up already, but she's the one who likes it. She doesn't know why but she wants it.

This is too hard for us.

She walked straight to her bedroom and as usual, she locked the door because she knows that Alaska will come anytime later and will say a lot of bullshit things about Trixie again.

She's feeling a litte sense that something is wrong, she just doesn't know what it is. All she wants is to know what is with Trixie. But she also doesn't know what she would do if she knows what is happening.

-- 2 days later --

Trixie is waiting for nothing. She wants to get away. She knows the truth, she just doesn't want to say it. Katya on the other hand, knows that there is something wrong, she's just being blind about it.

As other say it, you don't have to wait for the right moment, just make it happen or you'll lose but what if she doesn't know when the right moment is?

"What?! You want me to kidnap her?!" Willam shouted at Alaska.

Alaska went on Willam's apartment to tell her that she wants her to kidnap Trixie and in return, she will give her the account that all the companies are fighting for all over the US.

"Yes." She simply replied.

"Are you out of you fucking mind?!" Willam shouted at her.

"I'm trying to protect my sister Willam." Her voice is still unbothered. "Besides, you will get the account that the other companies are fighting for. I will give it to you."

Willam just sighed. She knows how big and rich his company would get if Alaska really would give her that account. But is it worth it?

Alaska is just calm and collected, but in the back of her mind, she's also thinking if her own cousin would say no to her.

Milk refused to have a deal with her in exchange of that account, what if Willam does the same?

"Then what's next Alaska? Let's say I'm gonna do it, what would be your plan after?" Willam said with a sly smile.

Alaska smiled also, she haven't thought about that but time will come.

It's the right decision to seek help on her cousin. She had numbers of records outside the country because her cousin is friends with the Carrions' - the family owns a gun marketing business.

"Let me handle that on my own, just do the job." She smiled then got her bag and walked towards the door.

"Okay Alaska..." Willam said and walked Alaska to the door, "... be sure to transfer the account."

"No problem cousin." Alaska said and the elevator door closes.

She was very pleased that she made her cousin agree to this. Of course! She is her cousin! Why would she say no to her, right?

First, kidnap the girl. She wouldn't kill Trixie because she knows the limit of her conscience (which is still in the process of discovering) she's just going to make up a big story of Trixie dying in an accident.

Of course, she's just gonna hide Trixie outside the country.

Brainwash her if she have to.


"Why the hell did you cut the palm tree here?!" Katya shouted angrily at her assistant who cut the palm tree in her office.

"M-Maam.... M-Miss A-Alaska was the one who said to c-cut it." Her assistant answered, fear all over her voice because she might get fired.

"Shit! Why didn't you ask permission to me first?" Katya just scratched the back of her head.

"M-Miss Alaska told me t-that you were the one who said t-that."

Katya grabbed her phone and texted Alaska

To Alaska:

Why did you tell MY employee to cut the plant in MY office?

A minute has passed and Alaska replied.


Relax sis, it's just a tree.

She almost threw her phone at the other side of the room because of being pissed.

"Get out!!" She shouted at the employee who's about to pass out because of being scared.

When the employee got out of the office, Willam came inside.

"Hey cousin!" Willam greeted Katya wearing a tuxedo.

"I have no time to play around right now Willam." Katya said seriously.

Willam just sat on the front chair in front of Katya's desk.

"I know, I know.... But you should hear me out, it's about your girl Katya."

Katya stopped and looked directly at Willam's eyes.

"Trixie?" She said, loud enough to hear.

"Yep, and your sister, my pretty cousin is planning something." Willam smiled.


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