Thirty Seven

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• Trixie's POV •

Sometimes in love, it's so boring to wait for too long. To wait for the right time. But for the longest time that we haven't seen each other I thought, didn't ahe ever felt bored of waiting for someone that has no assurance of coming back?

What happened was so fast that I thought it was all just a dream. I think it'll be best if it's just a dream, because then I would be able to think on what to do.


She's here.

"Maam Trixie, you don't have any idea how happy I am that I was able to see you again." Butler Mark said once I entered Katya's house.

I just hugged Butler Mark so that I can also let go of Katya's hands.

"I'm so happy to see you too Butler Mark." I said and then I smiled at him.

I saw him looked at Katya with the look of shock, maybe because we just came out of the blue in the middle of the night.

Maybe he's shocked. Shocked that we are together.

Here's what happened:

When she pulled me, I was not able to talk. What I know is that I was riding her car on the way to her house that's why I am now here.

"Well, well..." Butler Mark smiled to remove the awkward silence. "Have you eaten Trixie? Would you want me to tell the maid to fix you food?" I shook my head no and smiled at him since I don't have any plans of staying here for too long. Especially now that I don't know what to do.

"Madam?" He looked at Katya who's just standing behind me.

"Please prepare our dinner." Her voice sent shivers down my spine. It's been so long since I heard her voice this close. Butler Mark left immediately and I was left with Katya in the living room.

What am I supposed to do? Should I look at her? What time am I suppose to leave? Yes, I wanna talk to her but now is not the good time.

I still don't know what to say to her, everything vanished in my brain.

"Trixie?" She called me. Hair in my body going up once again.

"Hm?" Then I slowly looked back at her. Literally in slow motion.

"I miss you." I didn't hold back myself in doing a staring contest with her. It feels like she is sucking me in. Trixie! Wake up.

I immediately looked away.

"I- I need to go Katya." I'm such a coward.

"Please don't. Not yet." I think this is the first time I heard her using a calming voice. The one you hear on kids whenever then want something. And I didn't even dare to look at her. "Please?"

I didn't even notice that she came closer to me, I got nervous when she held my chin and made me look at her. It feels like I am about to explode. Fuck! I can feel the butterflies in my stomach again.

"Stay Trixie, please?" I can see in her eyes how much she's longing for me. I can't concentrate. I'm gettinf lost. Her face is just inches away from my face. What am I supposed to do? I feel like... Her face is an inch away from my face when..

"I really have to go." Like an impulse decision. Then I stepped back and ran outside. I got out of their gate but I still kept on running. I was able to pass through all the lights in the street. Everything is quiet. Everyone must be asleep by now in their own homes but here I am, running like a stupid bitch that I am.

I am so far away from their house so I stopped running.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" I am feeling all kinds of emotion right now. I don't know what to do so I just shouted all my feelings.

I am so stupid! I'm already in her house. But I got so scared. I am so pissed at myself! I don't know what to feel anymore.

I sat on the side of the street and I know, that every car passing by is looking at me. The girl who is losing her breath that looks like a crazy person on the side of the street.

Maybe this is all Mr. Kirk's plan. That dinner. It was all planned. Fuck! I want to explode!


"What are you doing here? Leave me alone." I stood up and walked away from her.

"Trixie." Then she held my arms. I'm gonna cry.

"What Katya?! What do you need from me?!" I cried in front of her out of frustration. I feel pity for myself because I feel like I am so strong without her, it feel like I have a lot of things to say but now that she's in front of me, I don't know anymore.

"Katya stop! Let go of me!" I yanked my arm away from her grip.

"Please don't leave me, not now. Not again. Never."

I cried again. Harder this time. I can feel the heat of her body. It's hugging me like..

"Let go of me!" Then I pushed her. I wiped away my tears and looked at her. "Katya let's stop this. We can't be together! You already love someone else. I can handle myself.. Please stop... I don't know what to say anymore whenever I'm in front of you. Please for the love of God, let's not hurt each other anymore!"

I cried and cried in front of her. I don't know what to feel anymore. All I know is that Katya and I can never be together because nothing good happens when we are together.

"Trixie, please.." I can feel her coming close to me.

"Katya, we can't be together. I think it's best if we'll just stay away from each other.." Then tears started falling again from my eyes, and she's just standing in front of me. I looked away from her and started walking towards the other direction.

"Trixie, do you still love me?"

I stopped walking. Love? Fuck love! That's the reason why people go crazy! I started walking again with tears still falling from my eyes, and I know until I sleep, I'm still like this. But I got throught it in the past right? This is just what you can an ultimatum.


I stopped once again and looked back at her.

"Fuck it Katya! I don't fucking know! Nothing good will happen between us!!" Then I started running again.

I think it'll be better if I just die. It'll be more quiet. It will be for the better.

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