Thirty Six

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• Trixie's POV •

"I didn't expect us to meet this way Katya." I told her. My heart is beating so fast. It feels like it's gonna come out anytime soon. I can't even look at her.

"I didn't expect this too... I'm happy, happy to see you again." She smiled at me. It's so awkward. I don't even know what to say.

"H- How are you?" I asked.

"Fine. She's pregnant. I need to take liability on this." Then she scratched her head.


"Who?" Who's pregnant? Liability? What's happening?

"Fame. The person I'm gonna call wife soon." She said.


Not far away, I saw Fame, walking towards us supporting her big tummy. Fame is pregnant.

She's pregnant.

I looked at Katya, there's no hint of regret. None. What about me? How? She impregnated Fame. She forgot about me.

It feels like my tears are just gonna flow. It's so hot. It's so so hot.


I opened my eyes and sat up. I am sweating so much and I am crying.

It was all just a dream.

It's just a dream Trixie.

Fame is not pregnant.

No one's pregnant.

My breathing is getting faster and faster. I don't even know what to do first, inhale or exhale? Trixie. What is happening to you?


"You look stressed?" Milk asked me. We saw each other in a coffee shop during his lunch break. Of course, she's the only person I'm talking to.

"What? Me? Sorry, I just had a nightmare." Oh God.

"You should be drinking water first before sleeping. My doctor said it helps." It seems that I need more than just a water.

I think I need a brain.

I was shocked when her phone beeped in front of me.

"Mhm, I gotta go, I'll leave you here. I'm just gonna go and see my girlfriend in the office." She said and drank all her coffee and said goodbye once again. I just nodded my head and waved goodbye.

What to do now?

"Trixie?" I looked at the person and—

"Yes?" Fuck! I think I shouted at the person. I can't believe this! Milk just got out of the shop? She didn't notice that KATYA'S DAD IS ABOUT TO GET INSIDE?

"Hi Trixie! I didn't expect to see you here. I didn't know you already came back." Katya's Dad told me, Mr. Kirk.

"Uhm.. Y- Yeah. How are you? I got the news that you're now engaged." This is so awkward.

"Ah yes. I hope you'll come. What's your address? I'll send you an invitation. Asap." He smiled at me.

"Oh no. Please don't bother. I wanna congratulate you tho. I might go back to Paris even before the wedding." Maybe. I don't know. What a loser Trixie!

"Well, if that's the case, why don't you join us for dinner tonight at my house? You still know how to get there right, Trixie?" What? Dinner. I'm sure Katya will be there. Wait, does her Dad know what happened to me and Katya?

"Uhm.. Well. I —." What Trixie? Answer!

"Oh no! I don't take no for an answer. Come tonight at 7 okay? Formal wear. I got to go, I remember that I still have a meeting. You know life for me. I'll see you" Then he stood up.

What happened?

I didn't even had the chance to answer.


Shit! Trixie what is this again? Are you dumb?

Yeah, you're fucking dumb.

Awhile ago, I was pacifying if I will attend or not. Until I saw myself inside a cab on the way to Mr. Kirk's house.

I don't know what I am going there anyway. Milk said that I can go since Katya has a meeting in Korea. I felt like what she is saying is true since Katya is always out of the country ever since for her meetings.

Minutes later, I reached Mr. Kirk's house.

"Darling! I'm glad you could make it." Mr. Kirk said. He introduced me to his fiancè Jessica. Milk is right tho, Katya's not here. There's really just a few of us here. Just a small gathering. Even Alaska is not here. What happened to her anyway?

I have no idea what the people here are talking about. They asked me what business I have and I almost had the nerve to answer 'Maam, I am the business. I've been bought and sold.' So that they can look stupid.

• Milk's POV •

I don't know if what I am doing is right. But I know it's for the better.

I know the plan will work, and Trixie has no idea. She didn't have a clue that her and Mr. Kirk seeing each other in the coffee shop was not a coincidence, it was all planned.

We all know that Trixie can never say no to older people because she has so much respect to them. Especially to Katya's father.

Perfect time. Dinner. They will have the talk they both want.

• Trixie's POV •

I really feel like there is no food here. All the guests are leaving. Wait. What is even happening?

Where is Mr. Kirk?

I'm so hungry I swear.

Can I help them cook so that we can have food faster?

It's so damn cold here as well.


My heart almost stopped beating.

I don't wanna look back. I don't want to. I don't want to because I might not be able to go back. My heart is beating so fast.

"Trixie?" She said once again but closer.

I can't move. Until I found myself running with her, while holding her hand. That same warm hands, same warm feeling. Same feeling of being protected.

I can run away from her, but I chose to run with her. I don't know where we are going. But this night, I just wanna feel what I've felt in the past. I want to be in love again.

"Katya." I said.

We stopped.

Then she looked at me.

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