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Trixie's POV

"Alaska, what are you doing here?" Katya and I both walked inside the living room. She just walked in the house, she then took out her coat and gave it to Butler Mark.

"Why Katya? Am I not welcome here anymore?" One of her eyebrow was raised.

"Alaska." Katya warned.

"I'm going to sleep here tonight Katya since my freaky neighbor is having a party. I can't sleep." What? She'll be sleeping here? So that means..

"Butler Mark? Clean the room that I was suppose to sleep in." There you go..

"Very well, the guest room it is." Butler Mark tried to push the thought to Alaska's brain but Alaska cut him off.

"No. The room where I always sleep Mark."

"Alaska, Trixie is sleeping in there." Katya said. She really wants my bedroom? Why can't she just stay in the guest room? Does this woman really want me to suffer?

"Exactly my point Katya. That's why I am making Butler Mark clean it." Then she looked at me. "I don't like germs creeping out." Then she walked towards the study room.

I am so tired of not being able to punch Katya's sister on the face. Her attitude is ew. How did Katya's parents raised this girl? She is the very opposite of Katya.

"Im sorry baby." Katya just looked at me. I smiled at her because I am trying to understand.

I can't tell her that I am getting pissed at her sister already.

"Its okay."

"Cmon." Katya pulled me towards the kitchen. Oh right, she's not yet done eating.

Right after we sat down, Alaska walked inside the kitchen too. Her eyes widened in surprise and her face turned into a look of disgust.

"EW YEKATERINA!!! What are you eating?!" I was shocked when she immediately reached for Katya's plate. "Ewwwwwwwwww.. what is this.. this ewwww." Then she threw it on the sink.

What is she doing?

"ALASKA!!!! THATS ENOUGH!!" Katya stood up from where she was sitting then banged her hand so hard on the table.

"What are you gonna do now Yekaterina? Are you siding on that opportunistic girl now?!" Alaska shouted while she's pointing her fingers towards me.

I just kept quiet. I can't take her words and insults anymore.

"Fuck! Alaska you're a grown up now! Act your age!" Katya shouted back. Is it my fault? Are they fighting because of me?

"Fuck you too! Can't you see? THAT girl is going to rob you!!" Then Alaska pointed her fingers to me again.

"No Alaska! She won't! She will not! Why can't you just accept the fact that I love her?" Katya said weakly. She became quiet then sat down and looked towards Alaska's direction.

I can see the tears forming on her sister's eyes. I can only feel one feeling at this point and that is guilt. I feel guilty. I feel guilty because they're fighting because of me.

Because of Alaska's thought of me being just a burden to her sister, it is also coming in to my brain which caused me to believe her. Maybe she's right. Maybe I am just a burden. Because I can't reach the level that Katya was in.

"Katya." Alaska's voice became hard. "Because you deserve someone better, not like her." And with that, she walked out of the house.

And here I am, left with Katya feeling so belittled by everyone. It isn't my fault that I am not born rich, but this will just get bigger if I still stayed with Katya.


A week later.

"Trix you smell good." I was fixing the collar on her shirt while she's sniffing me like a dog.

"Kat stop that. I'm fixing your collar can't you see." I said trying to sound annoyed to cover up the butterflies that is in my stomach.

We already talked about what happened a week ago. Even if she force that everything is okay, nothing will change. The insults that I got from Alaska still haunts me everyday.

"Are you going out later?" She whispered in my ear. Fuck.

"Can I?"

I already told her about my job but I did not tell her that I am working for Milk. I just told her that I am okay and I am happy with my job.

She doesn't want me to work but I forced her to. That's why everytime before she goes to work, she always ask me if I'm going out or what time would I be back.

"Just hurry okay? Come back to me early." She said then kissed my lips. I can already feel my cheeks burning.

"Of course, if you say so baby." Then I let go of her and wrapped my arms around her neck. I pulled her close and kissed her lips. She put her hand on my waist and pulled me even more close.

"Kat.. You need to go to work." I whispered while she's kissing my neck.

"Mhmm." Katya hummed and I moaned when she sucked on my weak spot which is below my ear.

"By the way, don't come back to me because I say so. You'll come back to me because you want to. I'll die without you Trixie." Katya said then kissed my forehead. She pulled me out of the room then we walked towards her car.

"Where's my kiss? I'm about to go." She said then smirked at me.

"Didn't you get enough a while ago?" I asked crossing my arms and smirked at her as well.

"Please? One more?" She said then pouted. Such a cutie, this one's all mine.

I smacked her lips.

"It didn't even last in like a second!" She complained.

She pulled me close to her again and kissed me again just like what she did awhile ago.

"Be home soon please." I whispered between kisses.

"I love you." My heart skipped a beat.

"I love you more." I love her more. I never knew my heart can love this much.


"Trix why are you always like that?" I looked over at Milk.


"You always stare into the space."

Me? Really?

We are on our way to her next meeting. I do nothing actually, I just come with her and sit until they're finish.

She also gave my salary awhile ago. It's too much actually. I don't know what to do with it so I just gave it to Katya.

"I just need more coffee." I said.

"Whatever that is, just get over it. Im always here." She said then I smiled. "So, have you got your decision already about my offer?"

Oh yeah I almost forgot. Milk has an offer for me, she wants me to come with her to London for a business trip. I would be gone for a month, but that's just an offer it still depends on me if I want to come.

"I'll think about it Milk." It's a great opportunity actually because she told me that a lot of businessman are going to come. But what about Katya? I just can't leave my heart here.

"Okay, no pressure." She said then parked her car.

We are about to walk inside the restaurant, I really don't know why she holds her meeting in this kind of place.

I suddenly became nervous. I dont know why.

We walked inside the restaurant and all of a sudden, I already know nothing good will happen.


That's why.

I really should be nervous.


henlo, how are you guys? sorry for the late update.

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