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Trixie's POV

"Violet, why are you here?" Katya asked while still holding my hand. Right as we entered the house, the two of them was the first one that I saw. Alaska and a girl with a very familiar face.

"Oh hey sis, we're just dropping by. Your secretary told us you didn't come to work today?" Alaska came closer. Aren't she gonna greet me or something? Oh I forgot, she doesn't like me.

"Yeah, we went grocery shopping." Katya answered. I can't help but look at the girl that Alaska is with. She's so beautiful it would be very impossible for her to not be noticed.

And I feel like she's glancing at me as well. She's just sitting at the sofa, drinking coffee I think. She's very sophisticated, one look and you'll figure it out already that she belongs to a very rich family. Whereas for me, I'm just Trixie Mattel.

"Oh Tanya.." I looked over at Alaska. Is she talking to me?

"Uh.. Wait. Is that your name? Hmmm.. It's Lany? Amanda? Brenda ---"

"Trixie." I said in a cold voice. I am seriously getting pissed at her sister.

"Oh yeah, whatever. Why did you made my sister come with you? She should be at her office doing her works but then you asked for her to come with you and maybe you bothe --"

"Alaska stop it!" I was shocked that Katya shouted at Alaska again. She held my hand a little bit tighter.

"Excuse me Katy --"

"Yekaterina, how are you?" Alaska stopped talking when the girl Katya called awhile ago, Violet came a little bit closer. Violet came close to my Katya. As in close. And she kissed Katya's cheek.

I almost got down on my knees. My knees were like jelly. Do you know the feeling where you suddenly became territorial? Call me a bitch but I really do want to kick this girls face.

"I'm fine Violet. Why are you here?"

"I don't know. I kinda miss you." Then she held my Katya's shoulder.

I can see that Alaska is already laughing. She really do like Violet for her sister.

"Trixie, baby, go upstairs first. I promise to follow in just a minute." She looked at me. Is she shooing me away? Are they gonna talk?

I just nodded my head and walked away. I can see that those two bitchy girls are looking at me through my peripheral vision. What are they gonna talk about? Is it about the wedding?

I am not jealous!

I really am not!

I trust Katya, but I don't trust Violet.


= 20 minutes later =


I'm getting jealous already. It's been a long time since I got here and Katya hasn't followed me yet. What do they need to talk about without me?!

I'm getting so pissed.

Someone knocked on the door.

Is that Katya already?

I got up from my bed and opened the door. Well this is unexpected.

It's Alaska.

"Why?" She asked with one of her eyebrow raised.

Wow, she's really the one asking me that.

"Nothing, why are you here?" I said. I was shocked that she just came inside my room without my permission.

I didnt close the door. I faced her and saw her that she's looking at me also with her hand on her hips.

"So you're the one who's sleeping in this room huh?" I wanna punch her so bad.

"Yes." I answered.

"Do you know that Katya doesn't let anybody sleep in this room?" I didn't answer her. She just circled the room like a vulture as if she's doing a survey.

"Only 2 people are allowed to sleep in here. Well, that makes three of us. Me, you and her soon to be wife."

Y'all don't know how hurt I am when she said that last word. Violet, she's the one that she's talking about right?

I still didn't say a word, if this was another person I would've kicked her in the face already but she's Katya's sister so I still respect her even if she doesn't deserve one.

"What do you want from my sister Trixie? Do you want money? Do you want popularity?" Do I have to kick this bitch already? Keep calm Trix. You know the truth, you don't need to stoop down in this shit-head's level.

"Why can't you answer me Trixie? Can you do anything for my sister? Isn't it a little bit unfair that Katya is doing everything for you?" Calm down Trixie. Calm down.

"Let's face it, you'll just be her shadow. Maid. No sense in her life. In this situation, Katya would get tired of you easily. You won't give her anything that she wants --"

"Miss Alaska, Miss Violet is waiting for you." Thank God! Thank God Butler Mark came.

I just looked at her but deep inside, I wanna kill her already. She smiled at me first then walked out of the room. I am so pissed! I am pissed because I know that she's telling the truth. I know that I can't do anything for Katya. She's right.

"Trixie, I'm sorry in behalf of her. She's really just like that, don't listen to her. Miss Katya loves you, just think about that." I just looked at Butler Mark and smiled at him.

Even if he say that a million times, it won't change the fact that I will always think about what Alaska said.

I need to do something so that I can prove that I am not being dependent on Katya.

I didn't realize that I will need her help but whatever. Please guide me Jesus.

I looked through the bag that I have ever since I moved here. I found it, Milk's number.

Milk is the only one who can help me right now. I need to get a job.


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