Chapter 29

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Agent Martinez POV

Agent Martinez and Agent Stein were about to leave for the day when their Director called them to her office. Both Agents entered their Director's office and took a seat at her desk. "The profiler warned us he'd be striking faster since he didn't get to scratch his itch last week. The profiler was right. Today the Agents in Memphis let us know that the lady they're watching there has received a secret admirer gift from him. They've moved her into a safe house for her safety. I find it suspicious that he would still use his same method when it stumped him last time. The profiler said he's a stickler for his method so he will refuse to leave it which is why he still sent the gift. Furthermore, he bought it online, so the Agents are in the process of getting the information on the buyer from Amazon right now. We're hoping this is a crack in the case, but I have my doubts that he's this dumb. The profiler agrees with me, so I don't hold much hope from this lead. That's it for now on the update. Have a good evening Agents." The Director said. The Agents nodded and left for the day.

"Man Gabby you really went all out tonight. I thought you were going to actually injure the instructor." Maria said with a frown. 

 "Sorry, it's just the serial killer is getting to me finally. I'm feeling a bit under pressure. As if he's breathing down my neck. I don't know." I said as I wiped at the sweat on my forehead. 

 "Honestly you've been holding up freakishly well. So I think this very minor amount of stress escaping you is a relief. If you didn't let some out, you were going to blow. You know have one of those moments where someone starts a massive argument over something so small because they've been holding in all the big things and not talking them out." Nicole said in a worried tone. 

 "Ugh, I definitely do NOT want to be that person." I said with a sigh.

At that moment their rides arrived. "Hey Agent Hottie, help our girl relieve some stress. She's got a buildup of it. You not working her right in the bed or something?" Nicole teased.  

"I guess not. I'll have to amp it up if my butterfly has stress that needs relieving." Mateo said. 

"Shut up y'all. You know we're still in the studio with everyone hearing us, right?" I asked flushing red in embarrassment. Mateo wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. 

 "You only have like what 2 classes left? You'll be fine." Mateo said with a mischievous grin as he looked down at me. 

 "You're lucky I love you." I grumbled as I poked him in his side. 

 "I'm not ticklish but you are so you might not want to start that." Mateo said with a raised brow. 

"Hush. Let's go home and work on my stress." I said as I got in his car. Mateo closed my door with a chuckle.

"Now that we're in private what was that really about?" Mateo asked as he started his car. I let out a huge sigh. 

 "I was working harder than usual in class. I was telling them that the whole serial killer thing was finally hitting me. I mean I wasn't ignoring it, but I don't know how to explain it. It's just now I feel like I can literally feel him breathing down my neck. So that's the stress she was talking about. Not actually sexual tension or anything." I said. Mateo reached over and grabbed my hand. 

"He's not going to get you. We will stop him. If we don't, I have complete faith that you can. You're a fighter. A survivor. He'll go down before you ever do." Mateo told me as he squeezed my hand. 

 "If I didn't already love you, I would love you now. Je t'aime." I said as I closed my eyes and leaned back against my seat. 

 "I don't feel like cooking. Can we stop for food?" I asked. 

 "Food is already taken care of mi Corazon." Mateo answered.

When we got home, I could smell jambalaya in the air.  "Please tell me I'm smelling jambalaya because there's jambalaya." I said. 

"We're having jambalaya. It's from scratch too. Not Zatarain's box." Mateo said. 

 "You're the best thing ever to have entered my life. I mean it." I said as I wrapped my arms around Mateo and pressed my face into his chest. I inhaled his delicious cologne and felt at peace in my home with him. After a moment we broke apart to eat our dinner and take care of Shadow. We ended up in bed where Mateo made sure to relieve every single stress over and over again.

Killer's POV

Wednesdaynight Jeff caught a red eye flight to San Francisco as the FBI had deemedLauren safe and sent her home. Heplanned to break in when she's at work on Thursday to get the earrings. Then wait for her and take her out thatevening. Then catch a red eye back toChicago where he'd do the break in for his Chicago lady's earrings. Then on Saturday he'd take her out aswell. Then head home on Sunday havingtaken care of two birds with one stone.

A/N:  I'm so excited y'all.  I just finished chapter 40 on Microsoft Word word count has me at 46, 495.  I'm more than half way to 90K words!!  Woohoo!  Feeling accomplished over here.  By the way, if any of you ever plan to visit my magical city (which you totally should) all places mentioned (all restaurants) are real and have my stamp of approval.

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