Chapter 46

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I was busy painting scenes that I'd seen around the city from Saturday when my phone chirped. I saw a text from my Aunt Gwendolyn saying she'd be in town this weekend and wanted to get together. I replied asking if she wanted to stay at my place and she agreed. So I opened up my chat with Mateo.

Me: Are you up to meeting my family? My Aunt is coming into town. The one I mentioned before who taught me to cook.

Mon Coeur: Of course mi Corazon. Maybe I'll get some embarrassing stories out of it as you got from mi madre.

Me: We'll see about that one. Second thing, can I stay at your place over the weekend? I offered my place to my aunt and as you know it's only one bedroom.

Mon Coeur: Of course silly. I have to get back to paying attention to my work. Y'know catch that serial killer and yada yada. XOXO

Me: XOXO <3

I looked up to watch Penny streak out of the studio into my courtyard with Shadow hot on her tail. Only for him to stop at the door and return to his dog bed. I laughed at my lazy old pup. Penny ran back in squeaking away with  a toy and sat in front of me with it. I got it from her mouth and tossed it to Shadow. She ran to him and began to try to get him to play with her and the toy. Shadow wasn't having any of it. She eventually picked up the toy and laid down on the bed next to his and started squeaking away with it.

Killer's POV

Jeff arrived in St Louis early Saturday morning and spent it being lazy. Today he's stalking Leah his girl for this city. She's a busy one working three jobs. He followed her to her first one at Bulls Eye. She got off from there at 1 pm and from there she waitressed at a diner. She got off from the diner at 9 pm. He watched her bring food back to her apartment. She left for the bar that she bartends and got there at 10 pm. He wondered how she ever found time for homework. She was a part time student with classes on Tuesday and Thursday. He knew she worked all three jobs the rest of the days. She is the youngest of his ladies, so he suppose she has the energy to work that much and attend college twice a week. He knew she had a similar background as his Gabrielle. She was kicked out by her mother at 17 and was forced to fend for herself. It was a miracle she managed to graduate high school and get into college. He had to admire that. She didn't have help like his angel did from family. Leah's only family was her mom. He knew she'd welcome him saving her and setting her free.

Jeff followed her Tuesday and got to know her campus schedule. On Wednesday he got her another gift before going back to following her. Thursday, he watched her leave for her campus. He waited fifteen minutes before breaking into her apartment. Her home was the easiest as there was very little security. The apartment was a studio so the only hiding place was the bathroom as Leah didn't even have a closet. She had one of these storage units set up for her hanging clothes. She didn't really have jewelry to speak of only a single pair of earrings. They were cheap which disturbed Jeff. Jeff took them and then immediately left to buy her nicer earrings. He returned and put them in the place of the cheap pair he stole. Feeling satisfied he went to her campus to continue watching her.

Leah's POV

I had just gotten home from my classes and I could tell someone had been in my apartment. I wasn't wealthy like the Nightmare Catcher's other victims. I couldn't afford cameras or security system which he can hack anyways. So I made my own system. I didn't have much jewelry. Only a few pairs  of cheap earrings so it was easy to throw those earrings away. I left a single pair so when they went missing, I'd know he was here and that I was next. So with that feeling that someone had been here I immediately went to my jewelry. Sure enough they were gone. What's more is that he had replaced him with an expensive pair.

I immediately contacted the FBI. 

 "You've reached Agent Bellafonte." The Agent answered. 

 "Hi Agent Bellafonte, it's me Leah. The Nightmare Catcher is here. He's made his move and took my pair of earrings." Leah said. 

 "Fuck. We're on our way." Agent Bellafonte said. Soon after there was a knock at my door and through my peep hole, I identified that it was Agents Bellafonte and Chadwick. I welcomed them into my studio. 

 "How are you doing Leah?" Agent Chadwick asked. 

 "A lot better if my neck wasn't currently against the blade." I shrugged. 

 "Well, he's not going to get the chance to swing. We know that he's going to attempt to strike tomorrow or Saturday as those are always the days he strikes on. So we're going to try and get him. We're going to have agents with you as bodyguards. We'll stay with you until 10 pm and then two other agents will come and stay the night. We'll be back to stay in your apartment when you leave for work. Two other agents will take over and go with you. Hopefully he won't spot this, and he'll break into your apartment and we finally get him. Or you can pause your life and go into a safehouse and we'll have another agent pretending to be you." Agent Bellafonte said. 

 "No, I can do this. Plus, unlike his other victims I can't afford to pause my life. I'll lose my apartment and end up on the streets. I can't risk that." I said with a shrug. 

 "We understand. We'll be here with you or other agents will be every step of the way. We will keep you safe." Agent Chadwick said.

Killer's POV

Jeff was unaware of what was going on as he'd gone back to his motel room to bask in what he did for his current lady. He felt such pride in giving her those earrings. He showed up a couple hours into her shift at Bulls Eye. He broke into her apartment and immediately knew someone was there. They grunted when he hit them with the door.   He quickly drew his gun that he never had to use until now. He shot through the door and began running down the hall. 

 "Stop this is the FBI! Drop your weapon and put your hands behind your head!" Agent Chadwick shouted at Jeff's retreating back.  Jeff turned back and fired at Agent Chadwick but missed.   A bullet hit the wall next to him as he darted into the stairwell running down them. He was in his car and took off. He ran to his hotel room and grabbed his shit and left the key on the bed. He immediately switched license plates and left. When he was a couple hours away, he stopped in a parking lot and switched plates again. He kept that up until he was in Tennessee. He looked up a nearby resale auto lot. He knew they didn't really check anything. He ditched his car an hour away and caught the bus. He arrived in the town near where the resale lot was and walked to it. Once there he bought a new used one under yet another alias. He began driving feeling relief as he headed back to New Orleans.  

A/N: It's still giving me trouble editing but I'm finding ways around it.  But just explaining in case what I did to fix mistakes didn't work.

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