Chapter 60

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I've stopped any and all painting. My inspiration has fled me due to fear of not being able to finish a piece of work. I don't want to leave anything unfinished. I finished the gift for Maria and gave it to Lindsey, so she'll have it on the day. That is why today I was up in my home instead of down in my studio. I was in my kitchen baking up a storm since baking always makes me feel better. I baked until I had no ingredients left to bake with. No flour, nothing. Then I just sat down in the middle of my kitchen floor and just sat. I stared with unseeing eyes thinking about so many things. Too many things all at once.

Eventually I stood up and brushed myself off. I began wrapping the various pies, cakes, cupcakes, etc. I gave a dessert to each of my employees. Then I went to the various shops on Magazine St leaving desserts with the workers at each shop. Eventually with my last dessert I went to the police station that covers my neighborhood. I presented the dessert and asked for the officers that searched for Jeff Doyen. When I was asked why is when everything I'd been holding in was unleashed.

"Why? You want to know why? WHY? Because I'm the one he's hunting in this city. I'm the one when my head on the block waiting for his guillotine to strike. I'm the one you didn't save because you didn't check the damn IDs on the people that owned the homes to make sure they really were who they said they were. THAT'S WHY! I want to look the officers in the eye, so I know who the fuck I need to haunt when I die!" I cried out before taking a calming breath. 

"Now, where are those officers at? Thank you for asking." I said with a pleasantly chilling smile.

Officers stood around looking nervous and uneasy. 

"She's lost it." I heard one of them mutter. I smiled even more pleasantly as I stared coldly at that officer. 

"Are you telling me that if each and every one of you knew a serial killer was picking people off left and right and you were definitely on his list so it was only a matter of time that you wouldn't lose it as he inches closer and closer to you? Well if you would keep your sanity then by golly you must be fucking saints. Please fucking bless me with your saintly magic so I too can be calm and collected and sane." I said. Finally two officers stepped forward. 

"We don't have the magic to do that, but we can at least do right by you. Well, as much as we can do by you. We're the two officers that checked the house the killer was residing in and failed to ID the actor. We're the ones that failed the actor and you. We're sorry." One of the two officers said. My eyes darkened as I took the two men in. I looked over every inch of their faces trying to memorize them before finally nodding. 

"Thank you. You can eat or throw out the pie I don't really care it's for all of you. I'm sure you'll think I did something to it and throw it away, but I don't care." I said with a shrug before leaving the station.

I really am losing it I thought to myself. I went home and grabbed Pendow to take them to a dog park. Pendow is the team name I gave for Penny and Shadow. I got them into my car and left for the dog park by Lake Ponchartrain which is over the Parish line in Jefferson Parish by the boat launch. I set them free into the park and sat on a bench to watch them play. I sent Nicole a text, so she'd know where we were because I had a feeling we'd still be here when she got off.

Dogs and owners came and went. Eventually a fellow black lab came and Pendow instantly loved their fellow black lab. The three dogs began to romp around the park as the dog's owner sat down next to me. 

"Hi, I'm Jack and that's Jack Jr." Jack said as he held his hand out. I shook his hand as I checked him out. I decided then and there I'd flirt but that's it. Might as well enjoy the time I have left but I certainly won't cheat on Mateo. 

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