Chapter 64

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Mateo and I took Shadow to Nicole's home to get ready for Krewe of Barkus. I put a hoodie on my dog with the hood up and my sunglasses on his face and considered him done. He looked too cool for school. I took a picture of him looking amused. Since Nicole got Penny two years ago it has become our tradition to participate in Krewe of Barkus with our dogs. Of course since Penny was only two the tradition isn't a long standing one yet, but it will be. Nicole dressed Penny up like a bumble bee and we called it a day on costumes.

"I swear it was our best decision to live and work in our neighborhood so that we can walk to parades and have clean bathrooms to use rather than disgusting public ones. And now we have the same for this parade thanks to Maria living in the Quarter." Nicole said. The guys drove with the dogs to Maria's while we caught an Uber. It was easier this way because driving and finding parking in the city during Carnival season is impossible and public transportation doesn't really run due to parade routes. So just one vehicle is easier because they will be able to park in Maria's driveway. Of course Uber prices this time of year is always the worst. We're going only a mile but from the price you'd think we went across country. We did ride share though so splitting it between the two of us made me at least a little less violent. This always felt like price gauging to me. I hated that workers being paid min wage are being charged those prices just so they can get to work.

I shook my head and cleared my thoughts as we pulled up outside of Maria's place. The guys had just arrived as well and got out with our dogs. We walked together and opened Maria's front door. A small blur came speeding towards us letting out baby barks. 

"Hey, you're supposed to be a surprise!!" Maria said to the blur as she ran up behind it. The blur came to a stop and then tumbled head over feet as the precious pup stopped too soon at the speed it was running. I giggled as I picked the fluff up and it licked my cheek. 

"OHMYGOD you are so cute!!" I squealed excitedly.

"This is Toto. Yes, I named her after Dorothy's dog. We just adopted her and got to bring her home 2 days ago. We were going to surprise y'all. But she took it upon herself to surprise you on her own." Lindsey said. 

"Yes so we're totally joining y'all in your Krewe of Barkus tradition. She's going to be a ladybug." Maria said. 

"Lovebug, I'm have baby fever. I want a pup!! Shadow needs a sibling in his pack!" I said giving Mateo my strongest pout and puppy eyes. 

"Shit I can't say no. We were going to get another anyways once we had our house, so I don't see any reason not to do it sooner." Mateo said. 

"She'll be Magnolia Mae Martinez. We'll call her Maggie for short though. I wonder what she'll look like." I said dreamily with hearts in my eyes.

Mateo mock glared at his partner. 

"I blame you." Mateo told Lindsey. 

"Funny I blame her partners in crime. She's always around Gabby and Nicole now with their fur children that she wouldn't leave me alone about getting one of our own. 

"Come on ladies we'll leave them to their grumbling while we get sweet Toto in her ladybug costume." Maria said with a roll of her eyes as we followed her into her room. I put Toto down on Maria's bed as she grabbed the ladybug costume for Toto. Shadow was sniffing the teeny fluffball with suspicion. He finally nudged her with his nose making her tumble over. Once satisfied with that Shadow went and laid down. Meanwhile Penny jumped on the bed and began trying to play with the small pup. I giggled as Toto yipped at Penny and attacked her feet.

"Penny that's what you do to Shadow! How does it feel to have it turned around on you?" Nicole asked with a laugh. Penny barked at us before jumping down and began terrorizing Shadow. Maria finally got the ladybug costume on Toto and we all swooned at her cuteness. Our group then headed with our dogs to where the parade was lining up. I saw familiar faces from the year before and greeted them.

Shadow did his usual as we walked along the parade route which is slow us down by trying to mark all the things with his scent. By the end of the Krewe of Barkus Shadow was wiped out so we headed back to Maria's. 

"That was a lot of fun. It felt good to be the one throwing beads." Maria said. 

"Same. I aim for the people who usually get ignored to make sure they're having fun too." I said. 

"Exactly. That's exactly why it was fun being the one throwing." Maria said. 

"Are you still going to be going to Mateo's place on Tuesday and living there through the rest of the parades?" Nicole asked. 

"Yep! You know I'll be there with y'all in the thick of the fun! We're the three Musketeers. I wouldn't miss it." Maria said. 

"Awesome. Wednesday kicks off the main parades. We have the Krewe of Druids and the Mystic Krewe of Nyx kicking it off on Wednesday. Here's hoping we each catch a purse!!" I said with the gleam of competition in my eyes. 

"Fair warning. She gets a little scary." Nicole whispered to the group.

Nicole and I ordered an Uber home and the guys left the same time as we did in our Uber. Mateo and I decided to head to a place to eat on Magazine with Shadow for dinner. We got burgers and fries while Shadow got treats and water. 

"So I know you're crazy competitive on the levels of Rose from the Golden Girls, but I just thought it was for games. Now it seems you get that way over Carnival catches?" Mateo said with amusement in his eyes. 

"Yes, that's serious shit. To get a purse, shoe, or coconut. It's everything!" I said excitedly. 

"Can you show me that passion in bed tonight?" Mateo asked in a low, husky voice. I slid my foot out of my flat and trailed it up Mateo's leg. 

"I might be able to do that." I said in a low, sultry voice. Mateo cleared his throat as he quickly stood and rushed to pay for our food. I giggled as I ate my last fry as I stood leisurely. 

"Are you coming? If you don't hurry you might not be coming later." I said with a wink as I walked out onto the sidewalk with Shadow.

Mateo came hurrying out after me shoving his wallet back into his pocket. 

"Damn mi Corazon. You know how to put it to a man." Mateo said as he grabbed my hand. He began speed walking back to our place as I giggled. When we got back we fed Shadow his dinner and rushed to my bedroom.

Once in my room I turned and tore Mateo's button up so buttons flew all over. I slid it over his shoulders until it fell to the floor. Then I began kissing him down his chest to the top of his pants. I undo the pants and slide them along with his boxers. I wrap my hand around the base of his penis as I took the rest into my mouth. I began massaging his balls as I bobbed my head. After three minutes Mateo growled at me to stop. He pulled me up as he stepped out of his pants and boxers. He began undressing me as got me into bed and took me for a rough ride. I was crying out as I dragged my nails down his back in ecstasy as we both came.

Killer's POV

Jeff had been following them all day. He watched them go to a friend's house and then into the French Quarter to another friend's house. He followed them through the parade. Jeff was in the restaurant and saw under the table when his angel began using her foot to play with the Agent. Jeff was enraged as he watched them hurry to leave. Enjoy her while you can Agent Martinez Jeff thought to himself as he walked back to where he was staying.

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