Chapter 61

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Killer's POV

Jeff found himself excited as February was finally here. He had one last girlfriend to kill before his dream girl. Just two more weeks separates him from his dream girl. He could barely conceal his enthusiasm as he waited for his current girlfriend to come home. He didn't even honestly care about her. Not when his dream girl was up next. He fantasized about how good sex will be with her, how thankful she'll be to be set free from her nightmares, to finally be rescued. He figures she'll definitely thank him. How could she not?

Jeff heard the front door open and knew his last obstacle was home. Well, not exactly his last obstacle. That Agent Martinez who is boinking his woman is the last obstacle. As the woman walked into her bedroom Jeff struck not even giving her time to see her gift. He didn't care anymore as she didn't matter to him. Her last conscious thought was of her kids and that she was glad she had a will made the other day so that the state wouldn't have to figure out what to do with them. They had someone who wanted them. She felt relief mixed with her fear.

Jeff likes to kill on weekends but this one's nightmares involve storms. It was stormy today and set to be a nice weekend, so he was striking today. He drove her to an area known to get struck by lightening a lot. He handcuffed her to a metal rod and got into the safety of his vehicle. He was glad to see her awaken as he'd been worried, she'd be struck before she was conscious. He watched her panic and struggle with her handcuffs. He felt himself grow hard as the rain soaked through her white blouse. He undid his pants as he began stroking himself. After a few minutes of stroking he began to come and as luck would have it that was when she was struck by lightning increasing the pleasure of his orgasm. He decided he must have the luck of a pagan god on his side. Thor or Zeus maybe and they were pleased with his sacrifice. He cleaned himself up and zipped up before driving away.

Agent Martinez POV

As the Agents sat in front of their Director's desk, they already figured another woman was dead as it was about that time for the Nightmare Killer. 

"He struck again as I'm sure you already guessed. It was the lady in Oklahoma whose nightmares are always involving storms. He took her to an area that receives a lot of strikes from lighting. He handcuffed her to a metal pole and let her take a strike. This is his first victim who has kids. She made a will last week naming a guardian for them so at least there's that. I'm guess she figured her time was up or at least didn't want to take chances. Those poor kids. The father passed during her last pregnancy, so they don't have him either." The Director said sadly. Agent Martinez has nothing constructive to say so he opted to just stay silent. 

"There's only four ladies left. Five if we're counting Leah Havers as he may go back for her like he did in San Francisco." Agent Stein said. 

"I don't think he'll go back for her because if he was going to, I feel like he already would have. But of course that's just speculation as there's no predicting him." Agent Martinez said with a shrug. 

"I speculate that you're correct. Anyways, that's all from me. You're dismissed." The Director said.

Gabby's POV

It was two weeks to Mardi Gras so we're in the thick of Carnival Season which means it's beaucoups busy in my shop. I'm in there helping with both of my associates. I'm making a killing if I do say so myself. Surprisingly my nightmare artwork was selling like hotcakes. Soon I understood why when I overheard a customer telling their friend that they heard the artist was the next victim of the serial killer and he'd been living near her, so they need to buy work before she dies because then it'll be even more expensive. Where the fuck did they hear this from I wondered to myself. I decided to ask them. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't help but overhear. The woman you're talking about is my boss. Where did you hear that from?" I asked. 

"Oh my cousin was in the police station not that long ago filing a police report when she came in and caused a scene wanting to see the two police officers who essentially killed her because they let the killer get away. Man they are going to feel such guilt when she dies." The lady said. Oh man I did it to myself with my little meltdown I thought.

The day passed fast because of howbusy we were, and we even had to stay open an extra hour because we were sobusy. I messaged Mateo who promised tobring food. He came home to me with my feetup on my coffee table. 

"I don't think myartwork will last until Mardi Gras. Itwas that busy today and it's my own fault. Apparently word has gotten around that I'm the next victim because of mymeltdown at the station so now everyone wants my artwork before the prices goup due to my death. My feet are killingme from standing all day." I said as I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm sorry you had a rough day miCorazon. I'll rub your feet after weeat. I brought Mexican." Mateo said ashe sat next to me with the food and drinks. We started up some Golden Girls and began eating. When he was done eating he began massaging myfeet as we continued watching Golden Girls.  

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