Chapter 71

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We wheeled Mateo out to my car and the nursing staff got him into my front seat. He'd been in the hospital for two weeks and has finally been cleared to go home. I drove us to his home where I've essentially moved in not that he knows. He has a surprise party awaiting him in his home. I parked in front of his home and tried to help him out of the car, but he was having none of it. 

"I'm not crippled mi Corazon!!" Mateo said. 

"I almost lost you dammit. Let me baby you! It's my right." I said in an annoyed tone. Mothers can play the I was in labor for 22 hours card, so I'd play this one.

"I'm sorry mi Corazon. I forget what I put you through." Mateo said as he let me help him up his porch steps. I felt pleased at his caving in. I used his key to unlock the door and opened it and we stepped inside. Everyone jumped out yelling surprise. Mateo rolled his eyes. 

"The 3 Musketeer Ya-Yas did this, didn't they?" Mateo asked. 

"You know it, and you love it lovebug!" I said happily as I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek.

We headed onto his backyard that he shared with his neighbors who were out there with his coworkers and friends and my aunts. Only his family along with Nicole and William had been inside for the surprise part. My aunts and Isabella made all of the food. The boys from next door provided the drinks. I was pleased with the turn out. 

"We've done well, haven't we love? We found good people along our path to finding each other and now combined them all together for one fantastic family." I said smiling up at him with pride. He looked down at me with love shining from his face as he leaned down and kissed me. 

"We did. We did very well. But the best we did was in finding each other." Mateo agreed.

We spent the party tied to each other's sides going around talking with friends and family. I introduced him to Jack, and we told him how we met. Jack told him the wild lies I told him while I needled him for also playing someone else. 

"You told me your real name, but you didn't say you were my guard dog!!" I teased him back. Mateo couldn't help but think he had a new brother out of all this. He could see the sibling bond between his love and this man. 

"So Rachel Green, huh?" Mateo asked. 

"I mean I couldn't go with Blanche Devereaux now could I? No matter how drunk the guys were back then they'd know that wasn't my real name." I teased.

That night after everyone left I sat Mateo down. 

"Mateo it was bad. The doctor said the first operation was touch and go meaning there were times you were dying on their table. Then the next day you somehow woke up even though you weren't supposed to and freaked out thinking something had happened to me. You tore your injury causing you to bleed out, so they rushed you back into surgery and put you into a medically induced coma. Since you were in a medically induced coma your parents were able to convince me to go home with them Sunday night to sleep at their place. This next part promise you won't get mad." I said.

"How can I make a promise like that?" Mateo demanded. 

"Please Mateo." I begged. 

"Fine. I promise I won't get mad." Mateo said. I sighed.

"The killer was here Mateo. He's the one that stabbed you to get you out of the way from protecting me. He was hacking my phone and knew I'd be at your parents. Early Monday morning when it was still dark out he came and injected me in my sleep. I never stood a chance. He had me Mateo. He had me all day. He kept me unconscious all day." I paused. Mateo's jaw was clenched but he kept quiet.

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