Chapter 57

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Killer's POV

On Monday Jeff followed Danielle to her job at the bank. He quickly discovered that she was boring. She worked 8 am to 5 pm and never left. She took her lunch there in the building. Then she went home and stayed in. By Wednesday he found she never deviated from her pattern. So he didn't bother with her anymore. After she went to work on Wednesday he went to her home and broke in. He familiarized himself with her place and then took the pair of earrings he liked most. On Thursday he found where he would kill her and set it all up.

Friday finally arrived so Jeff went to her place and got ready for her abduction. He put her last gift on her bed for her and prepared himself. He heard her come home and waited. She didn't come up to her room until she was ready to go to bed. He'd been so bored waiting for her. She gasped when she saw the gift on her bed. He walked up behind her with his needle ready. 

"Hello Danielle. You've been quite the letdown. Such a bore." He said as he injected her. He took her to his car and then drove to the warehouse.

Once at the warehouse I dressed up as a clown and waited for her to wake up with my big knife. She woke up an hour later and looked around in confusion. 

"Is this one of my nightmares?" She asked out loud in confusion. I waited quietly in patience for her to notice me. She stood up on unsteady feet and looked around some more and finally spotted on me. She shrieked. 

"Oh no. Oh God. This is one of my nightmares." She cried as she began running away. I grinned hoping she'd run upstairs like the stupid white girls in horror movies always do. Oooh she is. What a thrill. Such stupidity. I thought as I walked up the stairs just like the killers in the 80's movies always did. Just walking slowly but still catching their victim. I chuckled to myself. When I got to the top, I listened for sounds and sure enough heard her loud panicked breathing. I walked to where she was hiding and grabbed her. I dragged her out of her hiding spot as she screamed. I felt like how I imagine Michael Myers must feel. I pushed her against the warehouse wall and began stabbing her mercilessly. I dropped her body to the ground. 

"You lived a boring life but at least your death was fun." I said with a laugh.

I removed my clown gear and made sure I was clean of any blood. I left the scene of the crime and went back to my hotel room. On Saturday morning I stopped at a post office box and dropped the letter to the FBI into it. Then I began my victorious drive home.

Agent Martinez POV

On Monday morning our director called us into her office. 

"I'm sure it's no surprise to hear he struck again. This time it was his chosen victim in Philly. It was pretty violent. He stabbed her over twenty times. He left his clown costume behind. I guess since we know who he is he doesn't care about cleaning up after himself." The Director said. 

"I guess he's going to be one of the serial killers that only stop when he dies." Agent Martinez said.

Gabby's POV

"Are you girls ready for our first Krav Maga class tonight?" I asked during our lunch. 

"Yes, I can't wait." Maria said. 

"I'm a tad bit nervous since I've never done any kind of martial arts before." Nicole said. 

"You'll be fine. You'll get the hang of it." I assured my best ghoulie. 

"Oh yeah! Gabs my parents really enjoyed the dinuguan. Like they want more." Maria said. 

"Ooh good! I'm glad it's not just my family that love that dish. Must be the reason it's the only one that got passed down." I said. 

"Yes, my mom said she'll have your secret ingredient next week so you can make it again. That's how much they liked it." Maria said with a laugh.

We had just finished our first class and headed to the locker room to get our stuff. 

"That was hard. Even for me." I said. 

"Yes it was which is why we took it, right? As a challenge since what we already studied wouldn't be a challenge anymore, right?" Maria asked. 

 "Yep. Make no mistake I wasn't complaining. I was just surprised. Pleasantly surprised." I said. 

"Meanwhile, I'm just glad there's a day to recover before the next one." Nicole grumbled. We laughed and nudged our shoulders into her. 

"You did good!" Maria said. 

"Yea you did! Our self-defense class helped you a lot." I said. 

"Trust me, I know. That's why I'm not dead right now and only need the recovery instead." Nicole joked. After changing we headed to her car to head home.

"Sweet mercy. I'm so glad you cooked." I said as I walked into my home. 

"I figured you'd be too wiped after your first class. How was it?" Mateo asked. 

"Challenging, which means fun." I said with a smile. 

"Good. I figured you'd find it fun." Mateo said. 

"What's for dinner?" I asked. 

"Shrimp fettuccine alfredo with garlic bread." Mateo answered. 

"Oooh, that sounds good to me. No wonder it smells so good in here." I said as I grabbed the plate, he prepared for me.  

"Time to continue our Golden Girls marathon?" Mateo asked. 

"Yessssssssssss. When are we getting married? You're so husband material." I said happily. 

"Let's get our first home and go from there." Mateo said with a laugh. 

"I guessssss. You're worth the risk." I said with a wink as we sat down. 

"You know I am." Mateo said as he poked me in my side making me squeal.

That night when we went to sleep, I held Gabrielle tightly to me as she slept. I was sincerely scared that I wouldn't be able to save her life. She would have to be her own hope. I honestly no longer had faith we'd catch him. I was left with just hopes. I hoped he'd get caught over something as stupid as being pulled over. I hoped she'd win against him. I hope he just keeled over and died. I just hoped it was her and I in the end. I held her tighter as the fear settled over me as I fell asleep.

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