Chapter 70

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"So according to what we found here in his stuff and from his stuff back in TN Gabrielle was his number 1 lady. The rest of the ladies were fakes to throw us off his trail so we wouldn't know when it was Gabrielle's turn. Since a lot of Gabrielle's nightmares were of her escaping the devil by going up on the roof of where she lived then running along rooftops to get away that was what he planned for her. He'd be the devil and she'd plummet to her death. But he planned to wine and dine his lady before setting her free. It's fitting that he's the one that plummeted to his death. The total known victims connected by DNA or by the tip of his hand are 18 victims." The Director said.

"Also from the evidence found he is the one that stabbed Agent Martinez both for being with his lady and to get Agent Martinez out of the way. He viewed him as an obstacle." Agent Stein said. 

"Yes, so that solves that case as well. Speaking of Agent Martinez he's in recovery and is coming out of his medically induced coma and Gabrielle Silcio will be released from the hospital today. Thank you all for your help. You're all free to go." The Director said to the task force.

Gabby's POV

Lindsey rushed into my room as I exited my bathroom dressed in my clothes. Lindsey grabbed me in a hug. 

"I'm so glad you're ok. You've no idea how much you've come to mean to all of us in such a short time. Plus Mateo would have killed us. He still might." Lindsey joked. 

"Lindsey? You have jokes. The shock. The horror. Maria you've been hiding this side of her?" I asked in mock horror. 

"And that's the last time I try to be funny." Lindsey said with a smile on her face. The doctor came in to let me know I was released. 

"I know you aren't leaving that you'll be going to Patient Martinez's room but when you do leave you will go by wheelchair young lady." My doctor said sternly. I giggled and nodded as I grabbed my stuff and got into the wheelchair as Alejandro pushed my wheelchair to Mateo's room.

When we entered his room he groggily opened his eyes. 

"Ladybug?" He asked in a thick voice. I could tell he was still feeling the effects of the drug. 

"Yes, I'm here my love." I said as I left the wheelchair to rush to his side. I gently brushed his hair from his face and kissed him gently. We had unanimously agreed not to tell him until he was fully recovered. Like released from the hospital levels of recovered. He patted the side of his bed and tried asking me to cuddle him. I understood his broken drugged words though and climbed onto the bed. I laid out next to him and wrapped my arm carefully around his chest. I made sure not to go by his waist as it was too near his stab wound that was recovering. He fell asleep peacefully with me in his bed.

That night I went home to Mateo's place. His place felt safest to me. I didn't want to tell his parents that, but I was taken from their place. The deceased killer broke into my place. There was always Nicole's or Maria's, but I wanted to be alone with myself, so I chose Mateo's. The boys from next door brought me left over chili to eat which I was grateful for. I caught them up on how Mateo was doing then they went back to their place. I ate their delicious chili while making the potato soup my family taught me to make for Mateo. He wasn't sick but soup is still good for recovery I decided.

I tripped over Shadow as I tried to leave the kitchen. Shadow has been extra clingy even though he wasn't there and couldn't possibly know what happened. But he can still sense something happened and he knows I wasn't with him and that was enough for him to stick by my side. I went to the living room while the soup cooked and got him up on the sofa. He laid his big body across my lap and we just cuddled with Netflix on the tv. I wish Mateo was here. I suspected my nightmares would be bad tonight even though the monster was dead. Trauma doesn't care about the facts. I knew I'd need to reach out to my therapist again, but I'd wait until Mateo was home. I didn't want anything to keep me away from him in the hospital.

Once the soup was done I put it into a container into Mateo's fridge before heading up to bed with my Shadow. I did have a bad night of sleep with nightmares plaguing me all night. I woke up finally in the morning with heavy shadows under my eyes. I covered them the best I could with make up before heading down. I heated up the soup and put it in a thermos for Mateo.

"Why'd you leave me ladybug?" Mateo pouted when I walked into his room. I was glad to see he was more aware of his surroundings and less drugged. 

"Sorry lovebug. You need your rest and you know I'm too much a distraction from that." I said with a wink. 

"Damn, you got me there." Mateo said with a grin. I could see the worry in his eyes which means he could see the bags under my eyes. I smiled brightly like nothing was wrong and lifted the thermos. 

"I brought you potato cream soup! It's got bacon in it too." I said with a grin. Mateo's grin broadened at the thought of real food. Good food. I walked over and helped him get his bed in a sitting position and fed him the soup. He was making this very erotic. 

"Would you stop?! You're supposed to be a patient and I'm taking care of you. Trying to help you recoup. But you're eating this soup all erotically and driving me nuts." I said.

Mateo raised his brows. 

"I'm just eating normally. You're being the erotic one by feeding me. Being the sexy nurse?" Mateo asked with amusement sparkling in his dark eyes. I fucking missed this man who was sex on a stick. I shook my head of my thoughts. 

"I don't even want to know what I'm walking in on." Maria said as she walked in with her hand covering her eyes. Then she tripped over the chair and Lindsey had to keep her from falling while laughing. 

"Dios mio. There's something wrong with both of these kids. Thankfully we have Gabrielle now." Isabella said to her husband. 

"You're lucky she didn't hear your part of the conversation." Mateo whispered to me. I just smirked.

The day passed quickly with everyone in good spirits since I was fine, and Mateo was on the mend. Mateo was proving to be the worst patient and wanted to be released. I somehow wasn't surprised about this. I smirked as I left him to go home and sleep in a comfortable bed. He didn't need to know my sleep would be shitty I thought to myself as my smirk dropped as soon as I was out of sight.

Once I was home I made more food for Mateo and ate leftover soup for myself while my dog remained obnoxiously attached to my side. I hung out with the neighbors who nonchalantly made me aware the walls between the duplex are paper thin and they heard my nightmares. I looked down in shame and apologized. 

"We didn't mean to make you feel ashamed. We just wanted you to know we're concerned and that you might want to talk to someone." Patrick said as he took my hand and squeezed. 

"Thank you. I have someone but I won't see them until Mateo is safely home. I plan to spend every day with him until he's released. Then I'll tell him what happened and see my therapist." I said with a small smile. Finally, I head to bed for another fitful night of sleep.

A/N:  Now y'all are all caught up with me.  So I better get writing and wrap my baby up.  😭

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