Chapter 40

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I woke up on Tuesday morning and made my food shopping list. I decided to go that morning when most people would be at work. At least the 9-5 people would be. The food store would likely still be busy but not as busy as it would be during lunch and after 4 pm. I got to the food store and it was packed. I circled around and found a lady getting ready to leave. I stopped in a place that gave her plenty of space to back up and put on my blinker while I patiently waited. She finished loading her groceries and pushed her cart into the cart go back spot. She got into her car and sat. After five minutes I frowned wondering what she was doing. But I still didn't do anything assholish like honking. I figured maybe she was on the phone or something.  After 10 minutes I gave up and drove by at which point she immediately pulled out. 

"That bitch!!" I said in a rage. You always hear of that happening, but the other person was always an asshole who honked at the person and such I thought to myself. But I did no such thing. I continued cursing her existence while searching for a spot. Thankfully, it didn't take me much longer to find one in the nosebleeds section. However, I have no issue with walking I'm just glad to finally be parked. I was finally done with my shopping and only a little aggravated. By a little I mean a lot. It usually isn't hard to find ingredients, but somethings weren't where they'd typically be. I almost did a jig when I got back to my car because I was so happy to be done with that hot mess.

When I got home, I took everything upstairs and put it away. Then I went down to check on my employees. They had everything straight, so I went back up to my apartment to begin baking until it was time for lunches. I figured today I'd get done desserts and tomorrow I'd do the mac and cheese. I started on my pumpkin pie first. I felt so at peace in a way that baking always provides for me. Once I had the pie in the oven, I began making the cream cheese frosting to go on top of the pie.

From there I moved onto my apple pie with a streusel topping. When I was almost done with the apple my timer went off for the pumpkin pie. I removed it from my oven and placed it on the cooling sheet. Then I moved back to making my streusel topping for my apple pie. Once that was done, I put it on top of the apple pie. With the apple pie now in the oven I grabbed leftovers from my fridge and heated them up for lunch. Once my apple pie was done in the oven and I was done my lunch I went down to relieve Jessica for her lunch.

Agent Martinez POV

"Ok, we've heard back from the profiler. Our profiler thinks that with the Nightmare Killer's obsession with Gabrielle he is likely living here in New Orleans. The profiler feels pretty positive on that. The profiler is also certain that he probably lives as near as possible to her." The Director said. Agent Stein looked at her partner who looked extremely uncomfortable about that. 

"We'll start looking into property purchases going back for a year. Do you think the police will cooperate in doing a door to door to each of those properties after we have compiled a list?" Agent Martinez asked. 

"I'll speak to who I need to that covers the entire uptown area and find out what help I can get." The Director answered. 

"Sounds great. We'll get started on properties purchased within the last year." Agent Stein said as she stood up with her partner. 

"Sounds good. You're both dismissed." The Director said as her agents left.

"It smells great in here!" I said as he walked through Gabby's front door. 

"Yep, I went ahead and made all the desserts. I made a pumpkin pie, apple pie, and pecan pie. You will not touch them. All three will make it to Thanksgiving without a crumb missing." Gabby told me as she looked ridiculously serious which I just found adorable. 

"I'll be on my best behavior." I promised her. 

"How about we go out? I'm so not in the mood to be in the kitchen anymore." Gabby groaned. 

"That's good with me. Where were you thinking?" I asked her while looking in the fridge to peak on the desserts. 

"We could go to Dat Dog since they're dog friendly." Gabby suggested as she smacked me on the arm for staring too long at the desserts. 

"I'm good with that." I said closing the fridge while grinning at mi Corazon.

I went and changed into something more comfortable while she let Shadow out. I joined her outside as she put Shadow's leash on him, and we began walking hand in hand to Dat Dog. Once we sat at a table with our food Gabby began regaling me with her parking lot woes. 

"You didn't key her car, or anything did you? I mean I'll cover your crime for you if you did." I teased her. 

"Probably if I was 100% Filipino I would have. I know people talk about country's famous for the rage their women get into like Italian women. But none of them have anything on Filipino women I'm certain of this. That woman is lucky I wasn't one of my aunts." Gabby told me in an angry huff. She took an angry bite of her hotdog and got some of the Andouille sauce on her face. 

"Why do you have to be so damn cute?" I told her laughing while using my finger to get some of the sauce off. She used a napkin while I stuck my finger in my mouth. 

"Mmm, that tastes good." I said as she blushed.

"Anything interesting to tell me from your day?" Gabby asked me. 

"Nothing that made me contemplate if murder was ok. I think we might be making progress on our case though. At least I'm hoping so." I told her. She squeezed my hand across the table. 

"I know you'll get him. You've already solved it. It's just a matter of finding him now." Gabby told me. 

"I'm ready if you are." Gabby said. "Let's go butterfly." I told her grabbing Shadow's leash in one hand and her hand in my other.

A/N:  That parking lot moment really did happen to me at the mid-City Winn Dixie.  It really was the week leading to Thanksgiving.  I really did wait far enough away that she could easily pull out and never honked or yell or anything.  I sat there so damn patiently for that lady and she really did wait until I finally gave up to pull out.  Like she couldn't see the entire parking lot was full.  Such a asshole.  I still rage to this day 3 years later, lol.  The rage of a part doesn't die.  lol.  She really actually is lucky I wasn't one of my aunts.  

Thank you for the votes!!  :)

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