Chapter 35

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I looked back at the man that brushed past me. I can't see his face, but he has the build of the Nightmare Killer. I rushed into my shop while pulling out my phone. I dialed Mateo's number. "Mi Corazon is everything ok?" he rumbled over the phone. 

"No. I think he's here. I'm positive he's here right outside my shop-" I was rambling as he interrupted. 

"What happened??? Never mind. Agent Stein and I are on our way right now. I'll have the police canvassing the neighborhood. I have to call Michael and have him look at the footage from the camera at the front. I'll be there soon baby." Mateo said before disconnecting before I could say anything else. I paced around my studio in a panic.

Agent Martinez POV

Agent Stein called their Director as they ran out the building while I called Michael. "MICHAEL, I NEED THE FOOTAGE REVIEWED OUTSIDE MI CORAZON'S SHOP. HE MIGHT BE HERE." I shouted into my phone while running to my car. 

"Check for when?" Michael asked quickly. 

"Now and rewind back. She just called not that long ago." I said more calmly as I hopped into my car. Agent Stein had just closed her door when I whipped out of my parking spot. 

"Agent Martinez. Calm the fuck down. Us dying on our way there won't help anything." Agent Stein said. 

"You know where we learned driving in pursuits and such." Agent Martinez replied roughly while speeding through the streets and swerving around vehicles with his siren going. 

"Yes, high speed pursuits. Not reckless pursuits." Agent Stein said grinding her teeth. My phone rang and I answered it on speaker through my car's radio Bluetooth.  

"Hit me Michael." I said. 

"He's here all right. I had to watch slowly and enlarge the image as he's doing his most to hide himself with a hat and such. But it's definitely him. Wearing a tan jacket with the collar flipped up, blue jeans, a navy ballcap, and glasses. He was outside her shop at 1:02 pm headed towards the direction of PIZZA Domenica." Michael said. 

"Thank you." I said and hung up. Agent Stein was already calling the Director to let her know it was confirmed with the details Michael provided. I dialed the police and updated them with the details and that he's definitely here.

Killer's POV

Jeff was watching from inside his home as the police were canvassing the neighborhood. There's a lot of crime in this city so it could be anything Jeff thought. But it could also be that she did see me and alerted her dumb ass of a boyfriend. Jeff decided to not take chances. Once things calm down, he'll hit the road for one of his other ladies. He shouldn't neglect his other ladies just because his angel is the best of the best. He looked at who was left and dismissed the Memphis lady since he just got done throwing them off his trail with her so it would be too soon to then strike her. Jeff decided on Phoenix.  With that decided Jeff went to his room and began packing while humming cheerfully.

Agent Martinez POV

Agent Martinez whipped his car into a spot right in front of the shop. He'd barely put himself in park and removed his keys before he was already jumping out. "Martinez. She's ok. He's here but not RIGHT HERE. Calm the fuck down." Agent Stein said to her partner. Agent Martinez glared but didn't respond as he hurried to the shop's door. He pulled the door open and ignored the employees and shoppers as he rushed back to Gabby's studio with Agent Stein on his heels. He breathed in relief as he sped towards Gabby. He grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her. 

"You're ok." He said softly. He stepped back and went over her appearance to make sure there wasn't a single cut. Once he was certain she wasn't hurt in the slightest he pulled her back into his arms tightly. Gabby didn't say anything the entire time as she was shocked by the intensity of his feelings. Finally she took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around him. 

"I'm fine mon Coeur. He doesn't have me. Didn't hurt me. I'm right here in your arms safe and sound." Gabby said.

"Can we talk now?" Agent Stein asked. Agent Martinez took a deep, calming breath and released Gabby. 

"I'm good." He said. 

"What happened exactly as you remember it?" Agent Stein asked. 

"I was walking back to my shop from lunch when I saw him approaching me. I couldn't see face because he kept looking to the side and with his ball cap. I just couldn't tell. But it felt so off. Then when he got to me the way he moved closer to brush up on me. Was not natural. I'm sure he thought it was because there were a lot of people, but they weren't forcing him towards me; so it wasn't natural. After he passed, I looked back; and I saw him looking at me in a shop's window. He was watching me look back at him and smirking about it. I bet he didn't think about the fact that if he could see me, I could damn well see him." I said angrily. 

"That's my brave butterfly. I told you to be aware and you damn well were aware." Agent Martinez said with pride. Agent Stein cleared her throat to remind him they were there on business. 

"Go through your entire day to see if you might have seen him throughout your day." So I went through my day with them multiple times.

"Director we got the witness statement. Are the Agents in place outside her home?" Agent Martinez asked his Director over the phone. He refused to leave until there was someone watching the place in person. 

"Yes Agent Martinez. I have multiple agents in place. I have them behind her block in case he decides to come from behind her home and climb the wall separating her property from the property behind her. I have them out front and in other places. Please report back to our field office." The Director said. 

"We're on our way Director." Agent Martinez said. 

"Why don't you call it a day and go on up to your home. I'll have Maria come over since she doesn't have work, and you have multiple Agents all around keeping watch. I'll see you later, ok?" Agent Martinez asked as he wrapped her in a hug again. 

"Ok, thank you. I love you." Gabby told him before kissing him briefly on his lips. "I love you too. Adios mi Corazon." Agent Martinez said as he left with his partner.

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