Chapter 67

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I had spent the night in the ICU waiting room with Maria and Lindsey while Nicole, William, and Mateo's parents went home. Mateo's parents didn't want to leave but they knew they couldn't rest in these chairs. I woke up with a crick in my neck so I didn't blame them, but I couldn't leave. Maria and I clung to each other as Lindsey herded us to the hospital cafeteria.

"I know hospital food is terrible but you two need to stay healthy for Mateo. It will do him no good if you fall apart." Lindsey said sternly. 

"She's right." Maria grumbled to me. I nodded silently in agreement as we got food. We sat down at a table and pushed our food around. The scrambled eggs were dried up and unappetizing. Lindsey sighed as she texted Mateo's parents asking them to bring us good food because the food in the hospital was beyond terrible. Lindsey gathered us up and we walked back to the ICU waiting room where visitation will be opening up soon.

Once visitation opened up I went first. I sat down beside Mateo and told him about how much I love him and that I will go to the ends of the world if he doesn't come back to me. 

"I will search for your spirit any and everywhere. That I promise you mister. So you better get better and open those dark, sexy eyes of yours. If you think hospital chairs are good for sleeping in then you're wrong mister. So come back to me lovebug. I need you like plants need the rain." I told him. I told him how his neighbors, coworkers, and other friends were all thinking of him and wishing him well. I told him stories of my youth with my brother and Nicole. When my fifteen minutes were up I kissed his lips and told him I love him.

When I reached the waiting room Mateo's parents were here with the food. They each kissed me and hugged me before Isabella left to go see her son. I sat next to Maria and began eating. By the time I'd finished eating everyone had their turn with Mateo, so I began walking to his room to see him again when I saw nurses and a Doctor rushing into his room. I began running to his room with tears streaming down my cheek. 

"What's happening?" I asked anxiously. 

"No time to talk Miss." A Nurse answered as they rushed out with Mateo. I ran down the hall to the waiting room to let his family know.

When I reached the waiting room I just collapsed to the floor crying and telling them with my broken sobs that Mateo was rushed back to surgery and that I didn't know what happened. Isabella and Maria rushed to me and we just sat on the floor clinging to each other together as we cried. After an hour the Doctor came to us explaining that Mateo woke up in a panic crying for his ladybug and tried to get up which reopened his wound. The Doctor said that Mateo was now in a medically induced coma to make sure that doesn't happen again. The Doctor said that since he definitely won't be waking up it would be in our best interest to sleep in our beds tonight.

Killer's POV

Jeff couldn't believe how well everything was working out. He was monitoring his angel's phone, so he knew that her dog was staying at her best friend's house. He knew that Agent Martinez was in a medically induced coma, so he was definitely out of the way. He knew that she was going to Agent Martinez parents' home to sleep tonight due to her home being surrounded on all sides by parades thus making it hard to get to. He hacked to find where they lived and went to their home while everyone was at the hospital. He noted they had a hackable system so he hacked and broke in. He familiarized himself with the layout. He found the rooms that his angel was likely to sleep in. A spare room and Mateo's childhood room. He decided he'd get her Monday morning before anyone could possibly awaken. Satisfied he left Agent Martinez family home and went about getting ready for Lundi Gras.

Gabby's POV

It was almost the end of visiting hours so each one of us visited Mateo one last time for the day. I went last again and sat next to him. 

"Mon Coeur why did you do that? Did you not hear my voice to know I was here and ok? I'm safe mon amour. I'm going to your parents' house to sleep tonight and then I'll be back in the morning to see you. I love you Mateo Martinez. Bonne nuit." I said before kissing him good night.

Maria, Lindsey, and I fit into the backseat of Maria's parent's car as we drove to their home. We went through a drive through for dinner before heading home. We sat down together as a family and ate silently. Once we were done Isabella showed me to Mateo's bedroom saying I could sleep there. She showed me the bathroom I could use. Then hugged me tightly and whispered she was grateful for me and that I'm her daughter too. She kissed my forehead softly before going to her bedroom. I showered and then in Mateo's room I grabbed one of his tee shirts for PJ's. I fell asleep where I tossed and turned with nightmares.

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