Chapter 1: Tall Bold, no Room

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"Text you when I get there! Love you guys!" you shouted to your parents through your truck window. It was only a two-hour drive from your hometown to the city where you went to university. Your parents always made a big deal when you left in September after the summer was over, but you reminded yourself it was only because they cared.

"We love you too baby. Drive safe!" your dad called after you as you drove down the street, seeing your house, and your parents, shrink until they looked like dolls. A quick glance at your phone and you saw that it was 9:54am, Sunday morning.

It did make you sad every time you left, but you could come home whenever you wanted because your university was so close to home. You had your set-up as usual in your truck, phone plugged into the aux in one cup holder, your water in the other. You listened to your usual playlist and zoned out as you left the town limits.

The drive was dull, not much scenery to look at, and after four years of making the same trip on the same highway you knew there wasn't much to see. Though, you do admit that when you drove later in the evenings and would catch the sunset, the warm ambiance that flooded your truck made you feel so happy. Watching the sun disappear into the horizon lulling the moon awake.

But because it was a new semester, you had to leave your house much earlier, and would have to catch the magical sunsets another time. Move-in day was always a bit stressful, finding out your room (and roommate) situation left you feeling anxious as you drove into the campus. Driving down the main road brought back a flash of déjà vu.

You remembered the first time you saw Alderaan University, and how beautiful you thought it was. The gates to the campus bold and stoic against the subtle landscape of the city. Through the gates was the main road, trees on either side and the sun pouring in your parent's sun-roof.

Your first year you were so nervous, but your parents were there to help your first move go smoothly. The scenery of the campus took your breath away and you instantly felt at ease. You felt as if this place would be your home away from home. And it was, you loved coming back every new semester. It made you sad that this was your last year.

At the end of the main road was a four-way stop. Turn right and you're headed to where the resident buildings are, turn left and you'll find yourself where all the buildings and halls where classes are held are, keep going straight and you're met with the Hoth building. Essentially where the Main Office, Mail Room, Housing Services, and Food Services offices are.

You parked in front of the Housing Services entrance near the east of the Hoth building and glanced at your phone. The clock read 11:59am. Perfect timing! You had to be at Housing Services for noon to get your room assignments so that you could have the rest of the day to move everything in. And this was going to be a very long day indeed.


You got your room assignment, and luckily you're in the same building as you have been since year two: Coruscant. Thank the Maker, Coruscant is the best resident building by far. Kashyyyk and Kamino are the other two buildings, but they are filled with either first-years or people who'd rather party than study. You head up to your room, third floor, room 66. Last year you were on the first floor, which you hated, so you're glad to be on the third now.

You go to put your key into the lock, but before you have the chance the door swings wide open and you jump back to avoid the door hitting you. Re-focussing on the moof-milker who almost hit you, your eyes went big.

"LEIA! Ohmygoshohmygosh I can't believe it's you!," you tossed your bags down and tackled her through the open-door way.

"Better believe it bitch! I may or may not have requested that we be roomies again to my dad!," she gushed as she hugged you back forcefully.

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