Chapter 11: Itinerary Planning

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You were sitting with Pax on your break between classes, after getting your coffee for the Crusades. He was in the back, doing the milk order for the rest of the week along with the Seattle order. You were sipping on your latte, telling him all about what Kylo has planned for this weekend. You wanted to tell him yesterday at work, but he was out sick.

"He says he's going to go out shopping this week to get some more things for us! He won't tell me much else, other than that this week is going to be the best of my life." You sighed happily, leaning on your arm.

You'd been to his house a few times in the last couple months, but only for one night here and there. Never for a whole week. You wished this week would go by faster.

"I'm excited for you bitch! I know you won't be on your phone all week, so you better tell me everything when we get back! I don't want a detail spared!"

Pax was a hopeless romantic and a freak. He was always so more excited to hear about the sexy details than anything else.

"Don't worry, I will! You and Leia both! Oh that reminds me, I have to talk to her. Finish our plan of what to tell my parents."

He turned to you, "Are you going to tell your parents? At least that you have a boyfriend?"

You hadn't had a boyfriend since your first year of university, he was a douche though so you cut him off and focussed on your grades.

"I will soon, after this week probably..." That was a lie, you weren't sure when you were going to tell them. Your mum is so nosey, that she wouldn't leave you alone unless you told her who it was. You couldn't handle telling her yet. And your dad? No way, he'd absolutely freak out. And disown you. Send you away. Something.

You said your goodbyes to Pax and headed to class. You had a midterm, and thankfully it went better than you thought it would. Today was your exam in Greek Myth as well. You felt prepared for it, though you could have done some more studying on Monday and yesterday.

You thought back to Monday evening, sitting in the comfy leather chair trying to study. It's incredibly hard to study when Kylo's with you. You couldn't focus because all you wanted to do was jump his bones. And as soon as your eyes started going sleepy, you knew you needed a pick-me-up break.

You loved teasing Kylo because of his little reactions. Small enough that he thinks you can't see them, but you do.

He had seemed nervous on Monday, and well, now you know why. You were so excited when he asked you to stay with him for the week. A whole week, with just him! Almost 10 days, including the weekends. You hoped that you could control yourself around him for the week and not spontaneously jump him every hour. You wanted to take this time to get to know him more.

You realized that you didn't know much about him. You knew that he had lived here his whole life, graduated with honours with two PhD's, though you didn't know what the other one was. He had no siblings, and that's as far as you got with the conversation on his family. You made a mental note to ask him about that this week, at the right time.

You walked into Greek Myth, Kylo wasn't here yet and you wondered where he was. You saw Finn in your usual spot and waved.

You went and sat down a couple chairs away from him (cause of your exam) and sat in silence for a minute or so while you got your things ready. You had a very specific set-up for when you took exams.

Water bottle, exactly three pens and two pencils, an eraser, white-out, lip chap, and a granola bar for a snack. Finn looked over at you and chuckled.

"It's so cute how you always have all of that stuff. You only ever use one pen!"

"I know, I just like to be prepared! You never know what will happen! How do you feel about this exam? Kylo said it's going to be harder than the last one."

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