Chapter 40: Selfless & Stubborn

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–– Ben's POV

Evie's car was tiny and very organized. Much like her personality Ben thought as he sat crammed in the passenger seat. There was a dreamcatcher hanging from the rear view mirror and three different air fresheners were sticking out of the vents. They smelled of things like 'Clean Linen' and 'Fresh Sea Breeze'. It was nice enough, clean, crisp.

The radio was on a station that played what they termed 'Oldies but Goldies, 70s, 80s, & more'. Evie hummed along to every song that played and she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat. Every once in a while, Ben would tap his foot along as well. He looked out the window at the snow on the ground and thought about how Sweetheart was doing back at home.

She was planning on telling William everything and Ben hoped she would be able to without her overthinking it too much. He'd been alright with this so-called plan because it gave him the chance to talk to Evie alone. He could talk to William later he thought.

They got to the flower shop after about ten minutes of silent driving and Ben followed Evie in after she unlocked the door.

The shop was quaint. Small and organized. Like her car. It smelled of incense and freshness and maybe vanilla. The lights were off, but there was a giant window at the front of the store that let in tons of natural light. The sunbeams danced off the crystal windchime that hung on the front door and cast small rainbows throughout the store.

It was all so serene. There weren't many flowers, but Ben chocked that up to it being the holidays and that the store was closed.

He wandered around the store and looked at all the little knick-knacks that were for sale along with the flowers. Tiny plant pots, key chains, magnets, and more. If it were anyone else's shop, he'd have thought the entire thing was tacky. But everything radiated the kind of energy that Evie emitted. 

Pure, unfiltered happiness.

"Hey Ben, could you give me a hand?" Evie called from the back room. Ben scurried past the front desk and found Evie holding a couple of the centrepieces they'd come to get.

He rushed over, taking them from her quickly, "Yeah here, I can take a couple more that way you only have to carry the one left." She smiled at him, handing him two more so that he was carrying two in each arm.

He took a deep breath.

"Hey Evie?"

She looked up from the flowers and raised a brow, but she smiled warmly.

She nodded, "Let's hear it."

Ben's eyes widened. Had it really been that obvious that he wanted to speak with her?

He cleared his throat, "Okay... Uh well I just wanted to say– well more so ask..." He struggled to find the words. He'd never had parental figures to speak to before, at least not ones he sought advice from.

Evie waited patiently, not wanting to rush him.

"Do you believe that I am doing the right thing?"

Evie's brows raised, like she wasn't expecting that question. She pondered for a moment and Ben started to sweat. She continued prepping the centrepieces while she thought and Ben waited, shifting on his feet.

"I believe," Evie began, plucking a dead petal, "that you and my daughter are meant to be. No ifs, ands, or buts." She chuckled, "But, I also believe that what you two have done is careless and is extremely dangerous. Both for her and for you hon."

Ben tensed. He knew she didn't actually approve of them. He hung his head a little lower, not knowing what to say.

"You will have to sacrifice much more then you already have in order for this to work. And you need to be careful how you go about doing so. Bill and I are more than happy for you two, but we also know how the academic community works," she spoke without looking at him, invested in making the centrepiece perfect. Ben was hanging onto every word.

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