Chapter 6: Bad Judgement

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The day was dragging on, your lectures today were still sort of introductory so there wasn't much note-taking to be done. You were anticipating Greek Myth today more than anything.

After the Crusades, you were thankful that the lineup to the bathroom was short today, and you made it to Greek Myth with a couple minutes to spare.

You walked in and saw Professor Ren standing at the front of the classroom. You shot him a quick glance as you smoothed your hands down your skirt onto your bare thighs. You were not messing around today.

His eyes watched you, following your hands down your legs, then he looked back up straight into your eyes before turning to switch the PowerPoint on for today.

You found Finn and sat next to him, grabbing your notebook and pen. Professor Ren began speaking, class had started.

"Greek myths were not just for the purpose of entertainment, they not only created, but also reinforced, specific identities of a particular polis. Individual poleis had their own patron god/goddess, along with a patron hero," he was pacing the front of the classroom, in front of the projector screen. Fuck, he looked so good.

"The Greeks called themselves Hellenes, and so in the early first millennium BCE the Pan-Hellenic myths arose. Pan-Hellenic myths were crucial to the identity of any poleis. However, many of the myths bordered xenophobic. Meaning that the Hellenes belittled any other cultures that weren't explicitly Greek, expressing their believed superiority over barbaroi cultures,"

He had begun walking up through the rows of seats, continuing with the introduction to the course material. As he neared your seat, he slowed his pace, stopping and placing his hands on the table just beside your notebook, sneaking a glance down at your legs, before going back to the front of the classroom. Fucker. You silently cursed Finn for picking your spot on the end of the row.

"Mythos. Or Mythoi. The base meaning is word/story. However, the meaning changes in the fifth century BCE when it becomes more nuanced and comes to reflect the connotation we have nowadays. These stories begin to be written down during the late fifth and early sixth centuries, changing the previous oral tradition of delivering."

He accentuated the word 'oral', while making direct eye contact with you. You stared back and licked your lips. He shifted his feet.

"We are going to start with the Trojan War Cycle. Does anyone have any questions thus far?" When no one put their hands up, he flipped the PowerPoint slide and continued.

"Essentially, the prelude to the Trojan War is the Judgement of Paris. Does anyone know any of the details of this myth?" He crossed his arms over his chest and you saw his biceps flex.

Beside you, Finn put his hand up, "Prince Paris of Troy had bad judgement, he made an agreement with Aphrodite without considering the consequences. The agreement resulted in him marrying Helen of Sparta, even though she was already married to the king. Paris kidnapped Helen and the furious King of Sparta goes to his brother, the King of Mycenae, and together they send forces into the Greek world to get Helen back from Troy."

Holy shit how did he know all of that? You wished that you could sound smart like that.

You looked at Professor Ren, who looked much less impressed than you were, "Bad judgement, perhaps. Yes, king Menelaus of Sparta and king Agamemnon of Mycenae join their forces and the Iliad begins."

Professor Ren continued with the content of the Iliad, the epic poem written by Homer in the eighth century BCE, and you jotted down way too many notes. You were fascinated by the poem though.

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