Chapter 28: Indulgence

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–– Kylo's POV

He watched her as she dazed off, letting the masseuse ease her into a state of serenity. His eyelids were heavy too, but he didn't want to miss her perfect imperfections. Through half-lidded eyelids, he watched her back rise and fall as her breaths steadied and slowed. He watched her face contort in pain and pleasure as she was ridded of her knots.

His masseuse felt good too, but he had to admit that it felt better when Sweetheart touched him. Her small hands exploring his body, electrifying him with her touch. No one could make him feel that way she does, not even a trained professional. The massage felt nice, but he wasn't really focussing on that. He was too occupied with watching Sweetheart. His heart found solace in watching her be so relaxed. He felt both in control and safe so near to her. She radiated comfort, and he couldn't help but completely unwind when he was near her.

He thought about what had happened just minutes before the masseuses came in. He had completely given her control over him. He seldom ever gave anyone control over him, including himself. But, he couldn't help it. She was so captivating. He was completely enthralled with her behaviour, and he felt a certain twinge in his spine.

Kylo got off immensely on the exertion of his power and dominance, asserting control and taking things however and whenever her wanted. He absolutely loved dominating her. She was his, in every single aspect. But this once, he let himself be hers. For her to take him how she wanted in that moment.

Something about it made him crazy. He wasn't sure what, but something made him want it to maybe happen again. Maybe.

Kylo was shaken from his inner thoughts by the masseuses asking him and Sweetheart to turn over onto their backs. Half the time had gone by already.

Kylo sat up, picking up the bra as he did so and he leaned over to give it to Doll. She mewled and rubbed her eyes as she was woken from her slumber. She took the bra and slid it onto her perfect chest. Kylo caught sight of her perky soft nipples as she lifted her chest to place the thin material over her breasts. His breath hitched.

She just smiled at him and flipped over, her head falling to face away from him. He leaned across the space in between the tables and grabbed her chin. His arm-span reaching easily across the small gap. He turned her chin, pressing slightly so that she'd know he wanted her to look at and face him. Even if she fell asleep again, he needed to be able to see her face.

She let out a breathless laugh, and nodded. Kylo retracted his hand and laid back down, signalling that the masseuses could continue. They each poured some warm oil into their hands and went back to work. Kylo let out a low groan as his masseuse started at his shoulders, his body shuddering at the relief.

He turned his head, Sweetheart's eyes were closed again. He sighed happily. Her masseuse was working on her calves. Every few kneads he would hear sweet sounds leaving Doll's mouth, his ears craning to hear them better.

Listening to the slick sounds of the oil, feeling the relaxing kneads, watching his Sweetheart revel in the now, Kylo's exhaustion overtook him and he too fell into a light sleep.

–– Y/N's POV

You were in a complete state of bliss. Your body soaking up the treatment it was receiving, longing to let the movements meld into your bones.

Once you flipped over onto your back, you had faked falling asleep again. You knew Kylo was exhausted and you knew he would fall asleep eventually. Once you heard his deep breathing, the tell-tale sign that he had passed out, you slowly peeled your eyes open.

His face was turned towards you, his chin dipped down towards his shoulder. His unruly curls had fallen into his face, covering his eyes slightly. His pink lips were parted, his breaths coming out loud and long. He looked peaceful, relaxed, exultant. His broad chest rising slowly, controlled, as he took in the masseuses movements.

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