Chapter 36: Who Is Ben?

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You stood in the doorway for much too long. Your mouth dry from being open for so many minutes in a row. Your eyes strained from not blinking. You felt the familiar twinge in your lower stomach as your eyes raced over Kylo's body. He stood just outside the doorway, his chest rising and falling quickly. His eyes roamed your body too, taking in your appearance. You hadn't seen this man in over two weeks, haven't spoken to him in almost a month and a half. You had no idea what to do or say.

Your dad called from the living room, "Who's there honey?" You couldn't speak, your words cowering in your throat. You heard shuffling behind you and Lando extended his arm past yours and with a big smile on his face he grabbed Kylo's hand, shaking it and pulling him inside while doing so. "Hey kid! Come on in!"

Kylo stumbled passed you and you fumbled to the side to avoid touching him. You were in shock for sure, you couldn't breath and you felt dizzy. You heard a commotion behind you and you saw your dad getting up, his friends helping him to his feet. Your head was spinning, your world turned upside down. What was Kylo doing here? And why was everyone getting up to welcome him?!

Your mum came to your side, holding a towel and drying a mug. Her hand found your arm and she looked at you, smiling. Why was everyone so happy? What was going on? You were so confused and you felt like you were in a dream. Maybe you were. You tried blinking and shaking your head, squeezing your eyes shut you took a deep breath. When you opened them, Kylo was still there, standing in your front hall. Your dad had waddled his way over to him now and was patting him on the back. Kylo was smiling, like actually smiling at your dad. What the actual fuck?

Your ears were ringing, your vision was starting to go blurry. You heard your dad speak then, but it sounded muffled and far away, "Benjamin! It's nice to finally meet you my boy!"

Benjamin?! Who the actual hell?

You didn't hear what Kylo said back to your dad because your ears stopped working. You couldn't feel your mum's hand on your arm anymore and your eyes blacked out.

You felt your soul rise from your body and you were suddenly back at uni. You were at work the first day of the semester, and you could see yourself talking with Pax. He was teasing you about Kylo, and then all of a sudden he stepped into the picture. You watched yourself stutter like an idiot in front of him. Cringing you looked at Kylo and you noticed something you didn't fully register the first time around.

He was looking at you the way he did the day he told you he wanted you. You hadn't realized what that look meant until now. Even though you'd seen it a thousand times by now, you didn't comprehend that he had given you that look back on that first day. Now you were looking at him, looking at you with the same eyes, filled with the desire and adoration that he did so many times before.

Your mind clung to the memory, it replaying in your mind as you heard gentle whispers and concerned mumbles.

"Honey? Honey, open your eyes." Your mum.

"Hold on, I think she's coming to now." Lando, I think.

"Evie, grab some ice!" Your dad.

"Sweetheart, I'm here." Kylo.

You squinted your eyes, trying to focus on all the people hovering above you. Your mother was running back from the kitchen, holding ice in a towel you assumed. Your dad was on the ground beside you to your right, his crutch thrown to the side. His friends were standing behind him, and Lando was bending down at your feet. You wondered how you could see them all, considering you were on the ground. You realized then that Kylo was holding you in his lap and he was supporting your head on his knees. He was stroking your face with his free hand, brushing the hair that fell in front of it when you fell. You looked up at him, tears streaming down your face.

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