Chapter 32: Two Trips

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You woke up at 5:45, drooling onto the soft blanket that you wrapped yourself in. Kylo still hadn't come back and you figured you wouldn't see him tonight. The twinge of jealously irked its way back up your spine, remembering that Kylo was meeting another student.

You rubbed your eyes and yawned loudly before checking your phone. You saw that you had a bunch of texts from Pax from over an hour ago. Damn, you must've really passed out, you didn't hear your phone buzz. You opened the messages.

Pax: GURL kylo just got into the lineup

He didn't text you again for about 20 minutes.

Pax: ok, false alarm! nothing to worry about my girl

Pax: kylo is meeting with that hoe bazine, she's one of his grad students

Pax: I called her a witch-bitch and kylo agreed with me LMAO

Pax: SO dw, he literally despises her

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You burst out laughing, your jealously fleeing from your body completely. Pax sent you the funniest picture you think you've ever seen. Kylo was sitting back, completely uninterested, throwing Pax the middle finger as he rolled his eyes. You snorted, zooming in to get a better look at this Bazine person.

She was kind pretty, like maybe a 4/10. She was wearing way too much eyeliner though, and her lipstick looked like a little kid put in on her. Her outfit was much too tight and revealing. Poor thing was trying so hard. It made you feel better, actually seeing this chick and finding out that Kylo really doesn't like her.

Pax: he just left, not even giving her the time of day

Pax: bitch that was so funny, comedy fucking gold

Pax: poor hoe was trying so hard, and kylo just wasn't having it

Pax: you're sleeping aren't you

Pax: well hope you're having sweet dreams bitch ily

That last text was over an hour ago. You sighed, relieved. You gathered your things and made for your psych class. You texted Pax back too, and you texted Leia. She said she wasn't going to be back until tomorrow now, something wrong with Han's car. You laughed, you weren't surprised. Han's car was a piece of junk, but for some reason it hasn't died yet. He calls it the Millennium Falcon. God knows why, but he treats it like it's his baby.

You puttered your way to class, picking up some chicken tendies and fries on the way. You sighed, wondering what Kylo was doing now. Walking to class you saw Bazine trot passed you. You eyed her up and felt a surge of confidence as you took in her whorish appearance. You smiled, feeling much better than you had a few hours ago.

You claimed your usual spot in the lecture hall and started stuffing your face before class started.


Another night by yourself. At least you didn't have to eat toast tonight. You stripped and started the shower. You were cold, as always, and needed some warming up. You plugged your phone in and went into the bathroom.

You spent about half an hour in there, and when you came out you saw that you had two missed calls: one from Kylo, and one from your mum.

You grunted, deciding to call you mum back first, considering that you hadn't really spoken to her in almost two weeks. You punched in her number and put in on speaker, placing it on your dresser as you put on some lotion.

"Hello?" You relaxed hearing your mums voice. It was soft and kind, like her.

"Hi mum!"

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