Chapter 13: I-Just-Had-Bomb-Ass-Sex Face

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TW: talking about how Kylo is her drug again.

Friday surprisingly went by quickly and you were in Greek Myth before you knew it. Kylo was just going over the game-plan for after Reading Week, he didn't bother with starting new material with only one class left. At about 3:45 he let the class go early, wishing everyone a good holiday.

"What are you doing for the week?" Finn asked as you guys packed up.

"Oh, I'm going to my friends cabin in the mountains! What about you?" You hoped he didn't ask any more questions.

"Oh sick! I'm going back home for the week, see my family and whatnot. Typical stuff. Your plans sound way better than mine!"

"Awe that'll still be nice Finn! I usually go home to see my parents every other weekend, but this semester I've been so uh, busy that I haven't had the chance! I won't see them till Christmas break now. You're lucky! And you'll have a great time too!"

He smiled at you and nudged your shoulder. You guys had reached the front of the classroom, and surprisingly you didn't have to make up an excuse as to why you were staying, Finn just called from the door, "Ask him if we'll have our exam marks by Monday! I gotta run and meet with a friend! See you in a week!", and then he was gone.

With the class being let out early, Dr. Amidala wouldn't be coming for almost half an hour. You looked over at Kylo when the door was securely closed behind Finn, he was sitting on the edge of the desk. "Come," he said as he patted the empty spot beside him like a little kid. Your heart started racing. You went over to him and before you could sit down he grabbed your wrist.

–– Kylo's POV

He yanked her backpack off and tossed it onto the ground. Slamming her face-down onto the desk he grabbed both of her delicate wrists, pinning them behind her back with one of his massive hands. His mind was a flurry of desire and lust. He knew that he only had about 25 minutes or so before Padmé would waltz in, so he had to take control.

He bent down to her ear, "don't make any noise now Sweetheart, the door isn't locked and we wouldn't want someone hearing, or seeing, what I'm about to do to you." Her legs were shaking and her breath was uneven already. It riled him up so much he could bust right there.

"Kkkylo, what the fuck are you doing?!" She hissed, trying to fight it, poor sweet thing.

"I said quiet love." He began shucking her leggings down her thighs, pulling her panties to the side to reveal her glorious cunt, already dripping for him.

He slapped her bare ass, the noise echoing throughout the lecture hall. He heard her wince, but saw her pussy clench.

"You fucking love this. Don't lie, don't try to fight it Doll. You love me taking you here, with the overarching fear of someone finding us. Finding you sprawled out, desperate for my cock. But that's what you like isn't it? Your filthy cunt is dripping at the thought of being caught." He yanked her arms, pulling her shoulders back and she nodded, keeping quiet.

Good fucking girl.

"I am going to fuck you against this desk, make you cum, and then fill you with my load. And you are going to stay silent, do you understand Doll?" He was whispering now, but she nodded again.

Fuck, I love  he–– His demons stopped him again. Bastards.

He released his throbbing cock, wasting no time he coated it with her slick juices. He bent down quickly and licked a fat line reaching her ass, she squirmed, but remained silent. Without another word, he thrust into her with such a force that the desk squeaked.

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