Chapter 10: Doll

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It was the last Monday before Reading Week. September and October flew by, and before you knew it, it was already the middle of November.

And you'd never been happier.

You were on your lunch break, sat in Kylo's office eating chicken nugs and fries.

You went there almost every lunch break, even though he was out teaching a class at that time.

His office was quiet and warm, and it smelled like him. You'd rather spend the half an hour in his office than in the crammed backroom of Starbucks, so you made yourself at home on the big leather chair by the fireplace.

The one closest to the door was your favourite, because when Kylo was with you, you could sneak a look at him sitting at his desk. You could watch him concentrate on whatever he was doing without looking too obvious, without drawing attention to yourself. You loved watching him when he wasn't aware of it. He acted the slightest bit different when he thought you weren't looking at him.

More human. More himself. His mannerisms weren't as polished and his body language shlumped. It was so cute.

Over the last two months, you and Kylo had basically become steady, though he was never one for labels. That didn't bother you, yet. You were too preoccupied with your state of happiness to be upset over anything.

Leia and Pax promised to keep your relationship with Kylo a secret, thank the Maker for them.

You had kept your earlier promise to Pax, and you told him at the end of the week Kylo had confessed to you about everything. He said he wasn't surprised, and being the hopeless romantic he is, you knew he wouldn't judge you for it.

You laughed as you remember what he said after you told him everything, "As long as I don't catch you two fucking on the ice machine or something," he snorted, "I'm here for it bitch!"

Work had continued as normal. Other than increased touching, staring, and lots of bending over, you and Kylo remained professional in the realm of Starbucks. The Siren on your apron always watching.

Greek Myth was getting so interesting now. Over the last two months you had covered the rest of the Trojan War Cycle, the myths of Theseus and Perseus, and were now exploring the 12 Labours of Heracles.

You and your dad even made a deal: that every other week or so you'd send him a little summary of your class notes, so that he could read them and research his newly found hobby whenever he wanted. Blowing up your family group chat whenever he made progress with something.

Dad: hey baby, the notes you sent me this week are great thx. I have reached out to my old buddy at Alderaan and he's put me in touch with a professor who specializes in Greek mythology. I am going to try and organize a meeting of some sort to talk to him further about it, maybe collab and write a paper together.

You: that's awesome dad!

You knew the resident Greek bad-boy of the history department was Professor Calrissian, and you knew he was an amazing prof. Just another old dude, passionate about history, he and dad would get along great.

Finn was growing more suspicious of something every time you had class, but you couldn't find the courage to tell him, so you resorted to saying that Professor Ren was tutoring you. That seemed to work, considering his grades were way higher than yours anyways. He sort of agreed that you could use all the help you could get. Asshole.

Oh well, it kept him off your back. And as far as your grades went, yeah you weren't trying your hardest, but it was sort of difficult when the professor was always balls deep inside of you.

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