Chapter 4: A Gift Then

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You wandered through ExHall and remembered that you wanted to go and see Professor Canady, your Crusades prof, to ask him about the first assignment. You found his office but you were met with a closed door. Shit, his office hours ended while you were wandering around. You checked to see when he would be back and you saw you could come see him quickly tomorrow on your lunch break at work.

You were walking quietly back down the hall of offices when you noticed one door cracked open slightly. You read the name plate: Kylo Ren: American History. You were way too curious not to try and steal a peak inside the door, so you crept closer and peered through the crack.

His office was huge, then again so was every other office you've been in. Alderaan University spared no expense in the size of the buildings and rooms. His office was lined with bookshelves that were full of old looking books. Makes sense for a history professor. From what you could see, his desk was at the far end and there was a set of two leather chairs in front of a... fireplace?! Wow, you've never seen an office with a whole ass fireplace before. You leaned a bit more to try and get a better look, but your big head knocked the door open a bit more. FUCK.

You waited to get yelled at, pushed away, the door slammed in your face. Something. But... nothing happened. So you took a deep breath and with some built-up courage you pushed the door completely open. Professor Ren was no where to be found, his office was empty. You thought that maybe he forgot to lock his door when he left? No, he was too meticulous for that. Maybe he went to the bathroom, or to get food, you pondered as you walked around the office.

It was lit with the early evening sun, beaming in through the big windows. The air smelled of coffee and, you realized, the familiar scent of his cologne. You could always smell just a hint of his cologne when he ordered his coffee in the morning, it just didn't click until now that it was actually his.

You walked over to the fireplace, mesmerized by its rustic beauty. You drew your hands along the stone mantle, tracing the intricate designs carved into it with your fingers. Your hand bumped into a box of some kind and it knocked over a small statue that was sitting beside it. Shit, you hoped it didn't break. You looked down and saw it was still intact and sighed with relief.

You bent at your waist to pick it up when you heard the door creak. You shot up, placed the statue back and turned around quickly.

Professor Ren was standing just inside the door, holding a mug of fresh coffee. You could smell its aroma and see the steam rising from the rim of the mug. It was small, white, delicate. The mug looked incredibly tiny in his huge hand as he just stared at you with his other hand in his pocket.

You stood there in silence for what felt like minutes when he finally began walking towards you. You held your breath. Slowly, he took his hand from out of his pocket, reached over your shoulder, and readjusted the statue that you put back. He was so close to you, yet when he finished fixing the statue he didn't move away, nor did he say anything.

You were looking up at him and you caught his gaze. His eyes were fixed on you, with a look that suggested he was hungry for something. Finally you knocked yourself out of your daze and took a step away.

"I'm sorry sir, I saw your door open and I was just..." you trailed off as you realized you had no excuse for being in his office. He just stood there, contemplating you. You rambled on,

"I was just coming to say that I was sorry for being late again, that's not like me at all. I'm a good student and I respect my professors time. It won't happen again." That sounded better in your head.

He was still silent as he walked over to his desk, setting the mug gently down beside a stack of books. He turned to look at you, and you could have sworn that he checked you out. His eyes dancing from your feet back up to your eyes. He held your gaze and finally spoke, his deep voice penetrating the air.

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