Chapter 5: Relax

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"Fuck," you said under your breath as you turned to shut the door and lock it. You swallowed hard as you began walking towards the chair in front of his desk. You sat down on the edge of the chair, your backpack still on.

"Take that ridiculous thing off and relax," he said as he put his book on the desk and then sat back lazily.

You scowled at him, but obeyed and took your backpack off, placing it on the floor as you tried to seem comfortable. But you couldn't be farther from it.

"You wanted to see me Prof—" he cut through your words like butter.

"I am pleased to see that you can be on time," he stood and walked towards you, "it makes me hopeful that I will not have to... discipline you." He sat on the edge of the desk, his massive legs just inches from your body.

Your breath held at the sight of his legs slightly opening, just enough that you caught a glimpse of his incredibly obvious bulge. Jesus fuck, you wondered how big it would be hard.

"Fuuuck..." you said again, this time louder. Oops.

"I could have sworn that I told you to watch your mouth around me. And just when I thought you were being a good girl." He opened his legs wider and you scooted further back into the chair, sinking into it and pressing your legs tighter together.

"I-I'm sorry Professor, your behav––" you stopped and corrected yourself, "your uh, your note caught me off guard, and I'm still not sure why you called me here."

"Ah yes, well I noticed that you are the only student in this Greek Mythology class who has not had me as an instructor in the past. And so I wanted to make sure you know what I am expecting of you in this course." He had closed his legs and had moved towards the fireplace.

You hung your head in disappointment and your legs relaxed a little bit. You turned to look at him holding the statue that you had knocked over yesterday. It looked so much smaller in his hand, yet you remember having to carry it with two hands it was that heavy.

"Oh, right. Of course Professor, anything from you to do well in your course I will gladly take." You fumbled with your notebook, ready to jot down anything important that he might say.

He turned to face you, his eyes cast over with that same look of hunger. He looked like he was going to pounce at any second. But he didn't, he just went through the course expectations, along with a few of his own.

"Along with the typical university expectations of a student, I have a couple of my own," he was pacing in front of the fireplace, holding the statue in one hand while his other was placed behind his lower back.

"I expect you to be on time and show up every time, both to class and whenever I call on you."

"Wait, what the hell––" he cut you off, again.

"And I expect that you cease the use of that naughty mouth of yours whilst in my presence," he was walking towards you now. He crouched beside you and placed his hand on your upper thigh, "or I will find myself having to teach you extra lessons."

Holy fuck. Was this happening for real? You'd been waiting for this for three years, right? No, wait this was beyond inappropriate and you could get expelled. In your last year! No way, you couldn't be doing this right now.

Despite your inner babble, your throat released a soft moan. Barely audible, but the twitch of Professor Ren's eye revealed that he had heard it.

Before you could say, or do, anything else, he was standing and heading to the door.

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