Chapter 7: Sweetheart

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Once you were inside you turned around, Professor Ren was shutting the door and locking it. He turned to face you.

"Take your backpack off and go over there," he was pointing to his desk.

You took your backpack off while saying, "you want me to sit down?" You were confused.

"No," his lips curled upwards slightly, and he exhaled, "I want you to bend over my desk."

A thrill shot up your spine and your cunt responded to the deep growl of his voice. He continued to stand there, watching you as you slowly walked over to the desk. You couldn't believe that you were doing this.

You bent at your waist and placed your chest on the desk. You started to turn around, "what now?"

He grunted, "no, stay facing forwards."

You turned around facing him fully, "but why? What's going on––" he took one step forward, clenching his fists he rose his voice slightly.

"I will not tell you again. I'd suggest that you obey me sweetheart, be the good girl that I know you are." His tongue snaked out and coated his plump bottom lip.

You'd never been talked to like that before, and it made your heart skip. And your pussy ached. You turned back around and stared at the bookcases behind his desk.

You heard him slowly start approaching from behind you, and you listened to try and hear what he was doing. You heard him grunting quietly, he was close, but it sounded like he was lower than you were. Wait, holy shit.

With your realization, you sucked in air through your teeth and fidgeted your legs together.

His hands grasped your upper thighs, prying them apart. Your mini-skirt barely covered anything at all, so you knew your whole bottom half was now on display for him. Your cunt clenched.

He snickered, "I saw that," his fingers skated over your folds and you jerked forward, but his hold on your thighs tightened and you winced.

"I also see that you didn't obey my request for appropriate undergarments when you dress like a whore." Shit. You honestly forgot he had said that, and today you chose panties covered in intricate black lace, with a red bow on the back.

He yanked your skirt up to your waist and slapped your ass so hard the desk moved forward.

"Ah FUCK! What the hell was that for?!" Your head spun around and you saw him pawing at the growing bulge in his pants. "Oh fuck..." you breathed out.

He stood up, grabbing your shoulders and spun you around until your butt was on the desk. One of his hands grappled at your hair, the other slithered between your legs.

"That mouth of yours needs to be taught a lesson," his fingers dipped into your panties, you whimpered.

"Shit, you're so wet for me already," he leaned in to your ear and you moaned.

"I'm going to fuck that naughty mouth of yours, until you've learned your lesson." He had grabbed your hair with both hands, lifted you off the desk and shoved you down until your knees collided with the ground. You winced as the pain erupted from your kneecaps.

He still held your hair with one hand, and with the other he lifted your face so that you were looking at him. His eyes were black with lust, the amber completely disguised by the ravaging hunger that had cloaked over them.

"Without taking your eyes off me, take off my belt, oh and open." Your heart was racing with excitement, and you obeyed.

Your hands went to his belt buckle, and you opened your mouth. He leaned down, closer, and spat onto your tongue. As soon as his saliva hit your taste buds, your entire mouth fell into a frenzy, it felt like you had been struck by lightning. You closed you mouth as you finished taking his belt off, throwing it onto the floor beside you.

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