Chapter 23: Professor & the Brat

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Kylo helped you take your jacket off as you tried to find the words to express the emotions you were feeling. Surprise. Happiness. Disbelief. Wonder. Awe. You were feeling all of it as you looked at the sight in front of you.

You were in a small wood cabin. Quaint. The back wall was lined entirely with books, it reminded you of his office. There were big windows everywhere, letting in the light. In the far right corner there was a fireplace with big rocks surrounding the base. One big leather chair sat in front of it, fuzzy blankets draped over it carelessly. There were books all over the place, maps and pieces of paper strung around the room.

To the left there was a tiny kitchenette. A small mini-fridge, with a cute old-fashioned stove/oven combo. An even tinier island, and a couple cupboards with glass doors. You could see that the plates and mugs were all different sorts, mismatched, no specific set. Disorganized and messy.

You liked it.

To the immediate left of where you were standing there were stairs, you turned to Kylo. "Go on, explore it Sweetheart. I'll put on some tea."

He kissed you on the forehead and you kicked off your boots, heading up the stairs in silence. You heard the clicking of a lighter and the smell of fire filled the tiny cabin. You trotted up the stairs slowly, letting your hands skim over the wood hand-rails. They were smooth, worn, well-loved. As you neared the top you closed your eyes, your heart fleeting at what you knew was awaiting you. When your hand trailed off the last of the hand-rail and both your feet were planted on the top step you slowly opened your eyes.

A quiet sob left your throat.

You were met with a small bedroom. Big glass doors to a balcony let the sun shine in, dancing off the white covers on the bed. The ceiling was shaped like a triangle, another window, a skylight, placed directly above the bed. A warm and free ambiance engulfed you and you couldn't help but start crying. To the right of the stairs was another door. You opened it and there was a small, but grand bathroom. A white clawfoot tub lay in the middle, with a short double-vanity sink. A big mirror with warm-toned lights hanging from the ceiling. The toilet looked old, it had one of those hanging pull-thingies to flush. You laughed.

You walked back into the bedroom, Kylo was putting the bags onto the bed, starting to unpack. There was a small dresser that he was loading clothes into. He watched as you crossed him, opening the sliding door to the balcony and stepping out into the frigid air. You breathed in and held it. Letting the cold air flush through your hot body. You put both of your hands on the railing, letting your fingers melt the thin layer of snow on it. You were still crying.

You heard Kylo come out the door. He stood right behind you, placing his hands on the railing on the outsides of yours, resting his chin on the top of your head. He breathed in too, held it, and exhaled. His breath tickling the apex of your head. He relaxed. You could feel his chest brush your back as he breathed, his shoulders bear weight on yours as he slumped down into your figure. You felt warm and safe and so happy there. In his arms. Staring out into the unknown.

You weren't sure how long you stood like that, but when you started shivering Kylo slowly ushered you back inside. He used his thumbs to wipe away yours tears, planting kisses where they laid. He whispered, "Do you like it Sweetheart?"

You looked up at him, pushing your glasses up your nose you smiled. "Yes, Kylo it's so amazing and beautiful here." You wrapped your arms around his neck and reached up to kiss him.

Against your lips he smiled, "Yes it is. The perfect place for you."


It was coming up on dinner time now, Kylo had made a run to a small general store about 20 minutes away. He asked if you wanted to go but you wanted to stay. He seemed reluctant to leave you alone, but agreed nonetheless.

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