Chapter 9: Let Me Show You

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You got to his office finally, and the door was cracked just a little bit. You could smell fresh coffee and you breathed in deeply.

You placed your hand on the door and pushed, waltzing in unannounced.

Shutting and locking the door you began making your case, "okay, Kylo, listen here. I wanna talk to you abou––"

"Come, sit." He didn't look up from his book. He was sitting on one of the big leather chairs in front of the fire place.

You snorted, "I don't think so, we need to––"

"Talk, we need to talk. I won't ask again, please. Come sit." He looked up, and his eyes were soft around the edges. He didn't look possessed like you'd seen on Friday. He looked like he genuinely wanted to speak with you. You took that as a step in the right direction and went to sit on the other leather chair.

Your body fell into the plush leather and you sat up, trying to act tall. He put his book down and leaned back. You two sat in silence for a few minutes, just looking at each other.

His eyes looked like sparkling topaz jewels, cut to perfection. His brows were thick, but groomed. They were pressed together slightly, causing them to wrinkle in the middle. His nose was long, slender, and dominant on his face. His hair fell in perfect waves over his adorable big ears and his jaw sat tight as he pondered you. His face was speckled with tiny beauty spots, decorating his cheeks. You looked to his lips last. Full and pink, flushed as if he had been biting down on them moments before you entered the room. He looked perfect.

His jaw relaxed and he sighed.

"Uh, hi." You said as you looked back to his eyes.

"Hi sweetheart," he said as he bent forward, placing his elbows on his knees.

"Um, okay. Yeah we need to uh, talk about what happened last week. And... uhm, I want to finish talking before you say anything, okay?" You sounded pitiful, but you hoped you conveyed enough authority for him to listen.

He looked at you, then jerked his chin at your legs, "did you listen to my request?"

You looked down, crossing your legs, "yes, I'm not wearing any panties okay?"

"Good girl, continue then."

You took a deep breath. This was it, you were going to tell him how you felt and demand that he tell you how he feels.

"Uhm, okay. Yeah. Okay..." Shit, everything sounded better in your head. You looked up at him, he was looking at you, his eyes saying, take your time.

You exhaled, "I spent a lot of time on the weekend crying, okay? I was so hurt and confused after you kicked me out, again, on Friday after we... uh you know. Anyways, I just want to know why you did that? Why did you flirt with me all last week, drop massive hints, and then when I come here and we do THAT, you just take everything back, boss me around, and tell me to leave. I just don't understand."

You were surprisingly holding it together well and you felt as if you'd get through this without crying. You hoped.

"But before you tell me what you're feeling, I-I want to tell you what I'm feeling, if that's okay?" You looked at him again, he seemed invested in your conversation, patient, and he nodded slightly.

Okay good, this was going good, you thought to yourself. You took another deep, controlled breath.

"I uhm... ugh fuck it. Kylo, I feel as if my entire being has been woken up. Been breathed to life finally after having been stuck dormant for so long, after waiting for so long. I feel free and trapped simultaneously. I feel ignited, but at the same time snuffed out because of what you did to me. I just don't understand how you've managed to fuck up my whole being after one week. I-I just don't know what you want from me, can you just tell me please?"

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