Chapter 19: Call Me Pretty

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It's been four days since Kylo's outburst and three since he opened up to you about his grandfather. You'd spent a lot of time processing what you guys talked about, and your questions from the last three days were mostly about his career. You figured you'd give him a break from prodding about his family.

You learned that he dropped out of high school the year he left Rian and JJ's house, just a year before he was supposed to graduate. He felt that he was 'too smart to be surrounded by idiots'. His words, not yours.

He wandered for a while until he ended up here, in Alderaan. He worked two or three jobs at once for just over a year so he could save enough to buy his house. This house. He bought it when he was just about to turn 18 years old. He completed his high school diploma online and then applied to Naboo University. Naboo was just 45 minutes away from Alderaan, not too far of a drive.

You had applied there as well. It has the most prestigious History program in the country, making it extremely competitive. You were rejected, but you weren't really bothered because you wanted to come to Alderaan. To follow your fathers legacy.

Kylo got into Naboo easily, he was accepted during the early application time period and not even two months later he was attending the school. He completed his degree with honours every semester, making the Dean's List every time. He was the best in his class. He worked hard and completed his Bachelor of History in just two years, applying and getting into graduate school at Naboo just as easily.

He went on to complete his Masters of American History and then went on to complete his Doctorate. He mentioned that he has two Masters Degrees, but neglected to tell you which other one he has. Kylo did all of this in about seven years and was immediately offered jobs around the country, even as Dean of Arts and Science at Naboo. He turned it down though. He said he felt a pull to Alderaan. That it was compelling and even though the position offered was just as a professor, he felt like he needed to go here. And so he did.

He told you that he felt as if he needed to come here because he would one day meet you. And that it was on the other side of the country from Rian and JJ.

Since he moved to Alderaan his career took off and he gradually worked his way up to Head of the History department here for a couple years. Eventually he just preferred to be a regular professor, teaching the courses he wanted to teach.

He told you that he really did not want to teach the Greek Mythology class, but that when he saw you walk in, it became his favourite class to attend.

You drank in his successes and you felt happy that he shared everything that he had with you.

You haven't asked him your question yet today though. He'd gone out to get some groceries not too long ago, you were trying to do some more homework but it was useless. You were so bored without him there. You decided to wander the house a bit, but didn't find anything worth exploring.

You were hungry and cranky and so so horny. You got your period yesterday, so not much action on the sexual front. You were growing frustrated, and you could tell Kylo was too. You were feeling bloated and ugly and fat and all the things a woman feels whilst on her period, so you decided to take a hot bath and then dress up in some of the fancy lingerie that Kylo had bought you. The lingerie that you were supposed to find instead of Anakin's letter. Oops.

You ran the bath and put in a fizzy bath bomb, letting it dissolve and bubble in the tub. You put your hair up and sank into the water. Letting the scolding hot water soothe your aching tummy. The first couple days of your period always killed you. Cramps and cravings up the ass.

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