Chapter 12: Another Gift x2

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You were walking into the store when you heard something drop and Pax yell. You ran into the back to see the Toddy on the floor and the cold brew spilled all over the ground.

"Shit Pax! Here I'll grab the mop!" He had picked up the Toddy and put it into the sink, throwing paper towel onto the spill. The Toddy was always too heavy for you to carry, you weren't surprised someone hadn't dropped it sooner.

Basically the Toddy was a huge jug that the cold brew steeped in for 24 hours. It was big and awkward to hold.

You grabbed the mop and started cleaning up what had spilled.

"For fucks sake! Well I guess there won't be any cold brew tomorrow. The basic bitches will have to deal with iced coffee! Fine by me haha less to do."

You guys finished cleaning up and you finally clocked in. Rey and Poe were working the front while Pax was in the back doing the food-pulls for tomorrow. You decided to go on support and help with the food warming.

It was so busy that you didn't see Kylo approach the till, and you didn't even notice that it was him. You just saw someone standing at the till as you ran by to get a sandwich from the oven, "I'll be right with you!" You shouted, not looking at who it was.

"Take your time Doll," came a delicious voice.

You peeked around the corner from where the oven was and saw Kylo standing at the till. Rey shouted from behind you saying that she'd get it, but you jumped in front of her,

"You grab this sandwich Rey, I've got till!" You basically pushed her to the oven and you hopped over to the cash register.

She didn't think anything of it, and you finally looked up at Kylo.

He was wearing a casual grey crew-neck sweater tucked into black dress pants. They were so tight you could see his bulge. You clenched.

"Uh, good morning Professor Ren. Your regular today?" You went to turn around to get his coffee but he stopped you before you could.

"Actually, I'd like something different today. Something, sweet and filled with cream. Do you have any recommendations?"

Oh fuck. He didn't like anything sweet (other than you), or anything filled with cream (other than you). He was just teasing you, he always did you while you were at work.

"Oh, shit. How about a vanilla bean frappuccino with a shot of espresso?"

"I'll have whatever you give me."

You rang through his regular coffee anyways, frap's were way too expensive, plus Pax didn't care.

You grabbed the cold cup and realized that you actually had to write his name this time. You played with the sharpie in your mouth and wrote his name in big bubbly letters with a heart.

Poe wouldn't think anything of it, you wrote hearts on lots of peoples cups. You handed it off and Kylo paid with his gold card.

"Thanks Sweetheart, come to my office when you're off work. I have another gift for you." He spoke quiet enough that no one around heard but you.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

You nodded, emphasizing your customer service voice, "have a great day professor!"

You turned around, "Rey can you grab cash! I'm going to go to the bathroom." She switched you, and you grabbed a tall cup, filled it with dark roast and went to the back room. You opened the back door and Kylo was already standing there.

He gave you the frappuccino and you gave him the coffee.

"Well that was fun wasn't it? Thank you for getting me something that actually tastes good," he bent down to your ear, "other than you that is Sweetheart."

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