Chapter 33: Leaving

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Tuesday had been a dreary day, it snowed for most of the day and work wasn't awfully busy. Kylo had come by at 7:00am as always, but you didn't see him after work because you had to study and then go take your psych exam.

Sitting in the Crusades, you listened to Canady ramble on about the upcoming paper that's due. You were happy you'd already started writing it. Not caring about the dumb questions students were asking. You wondered if anyone read the syllabus. The answers to their questions are mostly in there. Zoned out, you waited until class was over.

After you went pee, you waltzed into Greek Myth. Finn was already sitting in your usual spot, waving at you dramatically.

"Hey!" His smile was huge.

"Hey Finn!" You tried to match the energy in his smile.

"How was your break?" He started pulling out his notebook.

You mirrored him, pulling yours out as well. "It was actually..." Your eyes followed Kylo walking into the classroom, and you smiled, "it was really good! How was yours?"

Finn was too busy sharpening his pencil to notice you gawking at Kylo. "That's good! Mine was awesome! I spent time with my family, it was really good."

You smiled genuinely now, you envied that Finn could be transparent with his family. You were still clinging onto the possibility that you could be truthful with yours one day. "That sounds so nice Finn! Hey what're you doing after class?" You remembered what you had said to Poe on Monday.

He looked at you, cocking an eyebrow. "Uhm, nothing. Why?"

You smiled again, "You wanna grab Starbucks?" A pause. "I know Poe is working today." And then you saw it, so clear, the clogs turning in Finn's mind. The click of realization flashed across his eyes and his cheeks flushed red.

"Oh he is?" You could hear the curiosity in his voice.

You nodded, still smiling. "Yep! I know he's been wanting to meet you."

He grinned, "Really?!" You nodded again. "I've been wanting to meet him too..." His voice was quieter now, riddled with disbelief.

"Well let's do it then!" You nudged his shoulder with your fist.

He looked up at you and took a deep breath, "Yeah! Alright let's do it!"

He was smiling uncontrollably now and you felt your conflicted heart ease up. You were happy to connect Finn and Poe, happy that they'd probably hit it off right away, happy that they'd be able to show their affection and attraction freely.

And with that thought, your wallowing self-pity was crawling back. You looked over to Kylo, surprised to see that he was already looking at you. He smiled softly, nodding his head ever so slightly. Only visible and only meant for you. You sighed. You needed to talk to him. Again.

But this time you needed to discuss your future, and whether or not is was going to have Kylo in the picture. Your stomach turned at the thought of not having him. Thankfully, your sad thoughts were jerked away at the sound of Kylo's voice. He was starting class.

"Hello class. I do hope that you all had a good Reading Week." He paused, clicking on the PowerPoint. "I myself had a very enjoyable break." He said that directly at you, his eyes boring deep into your soul.

"I have marked your exams, and I do apologize for not posting the marks on our class website, but I will hand them back to you at the end of class." He gestured to the pile of papers stacked on the small desk. You clenched when you saw that they were perched right where Kylo bent you over and pummeled your pussy. Kylo cleared his throat.

Sirens Eye || A Kylo/Ben X Reader Fic ||Where stories live. Discover now