Chapter 43: Sirens Eye

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––Six days later...

January 11th.

The day you're leaving for six whole months. That's half a year. Half a year you'll be away from Ben and your mother. Yeah, you'll be with your dad, but you can't deny that you'll be missing Ben and your mother. Hell, you already missed them and you haven't even left yet.

Over the past six days Ben did exactly what he promised: he helped you pack, remembering things that you forgot to put on your list, and he fucked you thoroughly every single day. Every moment you spent together when you weren't packing you spent bent over something or sat on top of something with Ben in between your legs.

You'd snuck into his office a couple times, but the second time you two almost got caught so you stopped trying. In the first couple days Ben came to your dorm, but as it got closer to the beginning of the semester, more students came back so he couldn't come in anymore. You found it harder and harder to see him, so you just ended up going to his place.

The last three days you stayed at his place. You'd go to the uni with him in the morning, him letting you out near the bus stop where there wasn't a lot of students yet, and you'd walk back to your dorm to pack while he was in meetings. Then you'd go back to the bus stop and he'd pick you up and you'd go home, eat, fuck, snack, fuck, and then sleep.

Now, it was the morning of January 11th. You were at Ben's place, eating waffles and drinking his coffee. Any other day this would be normal, but this morning you were already dressed, and there was a massive suitcase waiting by the front door.

He was in his office, finishing up the syllabi for his classes this semester and you were trying not to cry on your breakfast. You didn't think those six days would really feel like the last days you'd be spending with Ben. But your heart ached, and you weren't sure why.

You felt like everything had been resolved and that it was time to start living your life together with Ben. But now, you're going across the world for six months. The time difference is nine hours. Speaking to Ben and your mum will be hard, especially when they're working every day.

You sniffled, clearing your cheeks of the tears that had snuck out and resumed eating your breakfast. You looked at your phone: 7:48am. That means 4:48pm in Athens. If you wanted to talk to Ben or your mum it would have to be early in the morning for them... It was hard to think about.

You finished your waffles and downed your lukewarm coffee. You went to the bathroom and inspected the state of your face. Not too bad, been worse, but could be better. Your eyes were a tinge red, but they weren't puffy. Not yet at least. Your makeup was still intact and your face wasn't splotchy: again, not yet at least.

When Ben and your mum would be dropping you and your dad off at the airport, that's when your eyes and face will suffer. You don't know why you even bothered putting makeup on at all.

You pulled yourself together and brushed your teeth, glancing at your phone again: 8:02am. You had to be at the airport by 12:00pm, your flight was at 2:00pm. You had some time you supposed.

You made your way to Ben's office, the door cracked slightly as always. It made you smile. All of the little things he does, you still notice on a daily basis.

You remember when you first wandered by his office and the door was cracked the same way. You couldn't stop your curiosity and you just waltzed right in there. You remember the early evening light, cascading across his gorgeous office. The smell of stale coffee and his cologne filled the entire room. That damned statue that you knocked over, and when you picked it up is when he came back.

You shivered at your memory of that day. How it all started, really. It made your lower belly begin to pool with heat. You took a deep breath and opened the door.

Sirens Eye || A Kylo/Ben X Reader Fic ||Where stories live. Discover now