Chapter 26: Daddy

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TW: slapping, LOTS of slapping & Daddy!Kylo is here so yeah.

You woke up Saturday morning to an empty bed, something you were unfortunately getting used to by now. Kylo always let you snuggle up to him when you guys went to bed, but more often than not you woke up alone.

You rolled over to the right side of the bed, his side of the bed, and looked out the balcony door. The sunlight was pouring into the room, reflecting off the white sheets and making you squint. You turned on your back, looking out the skylight above the bed. You saw two magpies fly over top and you quickly saluted them. One for sorrow, two for joy. You could really use some joy.

You laid there for a few minutes, waking up fully. Kylo was never one to sleep in, unlike you who could sleep till past noon easily. But no, Kylo was slowly altering your sleeping-pattern and you were waking up earlier and earlier each day you were with him.

You wondered what was going to happen come Monday. Before this week you'd only stayed at his place a few times. Now you've spent almost ten days with him. It was going to be hard to be apart when classes resumed.

You winced, pulling the blankets over your face, huffing hot air into them. You missed everyone so much, but you were honestly dreading having to tell them everything. And on the contrary, having to come up with a pile of lies to tell your parents. Ugh.

Maybe you could tell them that you have a boyfriend now. Kylo told you that you're his soulmate. That's pretty much past the 'going steady' phase, right? You wouldn't ask him today, not after what happened yesterday. He'd told you that he had yet another surprise for you later this evening. You couldn't fathom anything better than this though.

You finally slumped out of bed and went pee. You glanced down, no more dried blood in the toilet. Fucking finally. You had to admit, you were feeling more like yourself now that you weren't fuelled by your bleeding uterus and bratty hormones. You felt rejuvenated and you had lots of energy. But you still needed coffee.

You washed your face and brushed your hair, putting it in two braids so it would be wavy for later. You brushed your teeth and put on your comfy clothes and your glasses and headed downstairs.

Your senses were met with the smell of fresh coffee, uh duh, and Kylo sitting at the little dining table with his laptop open, typing something furiously.

His head popped up when he heard you come down the stairs, he smiled, pushing his wavy unruly locks from his forehead. "Good morning Sweetheart, sleep okay?"

You waltzed over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, inhaling the scent and taste of coffee from his mouth. "Morning. Yeah I passed out. How'd you sleep?" You walked over to the coffee machine and checked to see if it was still warm. "I slept fine my love." The coffee was warm enough, so you grabbed a stout brown mug and poured yourself some joe. Added some cream and sugar and went to sit across from Kylo.

You pulled your knees up on the chair, hugging them as you sipped the lukewarm liquid. You glanced at the clock on the wall: 9:43am. "How long have you been up?" You took another sip.

His fingers were hitting the keyboard quickly, the clicking filling the room. Kylo looked up and around, "Uhm," back at the laptop, "since about 6:30 I think." You gasped, "Geez Kylo! Why so early?"

The clicking of the keyboard stopped, "I had some work to do and I couldn't sleep anymore." He shrugged. "Plus I wanted to make sure the preparations for your surprise were in place." He winked at you and you blushed. He treated you like a fucking queen and half the time you swore you didn't deserve it.

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