Chapter 27: Power

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The spa was about 45 minutes from the cabin. It really was in the middle of nowhere.

Once you were inside, Kylo went to check you guys in and you wandered around the foyer. You heard the receptionist greet Kylo warmly, "Hi! Welcome to Hoth Spa, here to check in?"

The foyer was simple, but gorgeous. The walls were lined with an ebony shiplap that cascaded the entire front room with a warm glow. It radiated comfort. There were two fireplaces, each of which had a couch and two chairs in front of them. The coffee tables had bowls of fake(?) fruit... You walked closer and realized that it was real fruit. Your bagel wasn't enough so you snatched an apple from the bowl and walked over to the front desk.

Kylo was signing something and the receptionist looked at you. "Oh, you must be Mrs. Ren!" You froze with the apple in your mouth, halfway bitten when you choked on the air. You looked at her, then to Kylo, then back to her. She smiled, "Kylo here has told me that this is a special gift for you, his wife. I do hope you enjoy your time here at Hoth Spa!"

You swallowed the chunk of apple you bit off and tried your best to smile. Nodding you responded to her, "Hi! Yes, that's me, Mrs. Ren... Thank you so much, I'm sure I will!"

Kylo thanked her and grabbed your hand, tugging you away from the waving receptionist. Once you were through to doors into where the locker rooms were you squeezed Kylo's hand.

"Wife is a big step up from friend, don't ya think?" You nudged him with your shoulder and he laughed.

"Well I don't know the receptionist, and you wanted to be labelled something more appropriate. I didn't think I could exactly tell a stranger that you're my soulmate though, now could I?" He kept his head straight on as you guys came up to the doors of the locker rooms.

You sighed, "Yeah you're right..." You liked the way 'Mrs. Ren' sounded. Your heart swelled and simultaneously broke at the sound of it.

You looked at the locker room doors, there were three of them: men, women, and you assumed non-binary. You smiled. You'd never seen anywhere have inclusive bathrooms before. You were going to head into the women's when you realized that you had no idea where to go or what to do. You turned back to Kylo and he smirked.

He cupped your cheek and kissed you. Your lips touching ever so briefly before he straightened up. "Change out of your clothes and put on the robe and slippers in your locker. Locker 7 is yours," he handed you the key. "Then go out the door that says 'Private Room 1', I will be in there waiting for you. Leave everything in the locker, but bring the key with you."

He pushed you slightly back towards the women's door, you smiled. "Okay, see you in a couple minutes." You pushed the door open, but turned around to see if Kylo was still there. He was. Standing, waiting until you were in the locker room safely. You blew him a kiss, "I love you."

He held up his hand and closed his fingers, catching your kiss. "I love you too, now go. We only have a couple minutes to get in there."

You turned and walked into the locker room. It was huge. And stark white. Your eyes actually had to adjust from the dark, warm tones of the foyer to the brightness of the locker room. It looked spotless, and smelled even cleaner.

You padded over to the wall of lockers and found number 7. You opened it up and saw a white fluffy robe hanging on a hook, a pair of white slippers, and a lanyard for the key. You undressed quickly and pulled the robe out. It felt like a fucking cloud. There was something embroidered on the left breast, you assumed it was the spa's name, but upon closer inspection you saw that it read 'Mrs. Ren'. Your legs staggered and you took in a massive sigh.

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