Chapter 25: Pineapple Heart

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–– Kylo's POV

He threw the rest of his whiskey back, feeling the familiar burn down his esophagus, warming his stomach. He rolled up the sleeves of his black crewneck sweater and got to work.

He pre-heated the oven and got out the pitas. Sweetheart suggested using mini pitas for the dough, it really was a good idea. He chuckled as he smoothed the tomato sauce over the surface, reaching each side of the diameter. He sprinkled some of the shredded cheese, covering the pita with a light dusting.

He opened the can of pineapple, his nose scrunched at the wave of sweetness that arose from the can. He cut slices of pepperoni and laid some down in a neat circle. He sprinkled some more cheese over the pepperoni slices and then picked up the can of pineapple. Grabbing a few pieces he placed the triangles delicately on Sweetheart's pizza. He wished he had time to go to the store and get her the jar of black olives.

Pleased with his creation, Kylo carefully put the pita on a sheet-pan. He put his beside hers and put the pan into the oven. 20 minutes should be enough to melt the cheese and crisp the edges.

He sat on the wobbly stool at the tiny island. He still didn't know exactly what he was going to say to her. If anything at all. Maybe he should let her speak first. Or maybe he should just leave her food and wine on the table and go wait outside, give her some space. He knew what she wanted: to know everything. But he couldn't grant her that, not yet. At the same time he didn't know what she wanted. He was so bad at feeling empathy. He couldn't put his feet in their shoes to attempt to understand how they were feeling.

But he'd try. He had to.

He grabbed the nicest cup from the cupboard, the cabin lacked wine glasses. He poured the rosé over some ice cubes and topped it off with some Sprite. He went into the fridge and grabbed a couple berries and he decided to toss in a couple of the pineapple pieces. He set it at her spot.

20 minutes had gone by, and Kylo heard the bathtub start draining so he pulled out the pizzas to inspect them. The cheese was bubbling and the edges of the pita were crispy golden-brown. He set them on the top of the stove and used a spatula to move them from the pan to the plates. He cut them into four smaller triangles and tried to position them back into a circle on the plate.

He tried to find two matching plates, but no luck. Sweetheart's plate was a dull grey colour, Kylo's black. He set the table and tried to make it look nice. He grabbed a few of the tiny candles he'd brought along and placed them in the middle of the small dinner table. He lit them and let the orange light dance off the food.

Kylo heard her come from the bathroom, shuffling about upstairs. He smoothed out his sweater and ran his fingers through his tangled hair. Should he be sitting waiting at the table? On the leather chair? Standing? He wasn't sure. So he just stood beside the table, holding the back of his chair, facing the stairs. He waited.

A few minutes went by and she still hadn't come downstairs, he wished she'd hurry up because the ice was melting and the food was getting cold. As if she'd heard his thoughts, he saw her tiny foot emerge from the top of the staircase.

She was wearing pink fuzzy socks, her legs bare and glistening with her coconut lotion. Kylo loved the way she smelled fresh out of the shower or bath. He caught a glimpse of her silk shorts underneath the big cream fuzzy blanket she'd draped herself in. Her hair was wrapped in a light blue towel.

As soon as she saw Kylo standing in front of the table she stopped on the second to last step. Her eyes blew up through her glasses and she looked like a deer in the headlights. He didn't want to move or say anything, he didn't want to spook her and have her run back upstairs. So he smiled at her.

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