Chapter 24: His Friend

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You spent most of Friday working on homework while Kylo graded other papers from his other class. You have an assignment due in Arky and a midterm for Psych coming up this week. The Arky assignment was easy, you had to pick between two archaeological sites to write a short essay on: Troy and the Palace at Knossos on the island of Crete. Considering you were reading The Iliad, and you were in a Greek mythology class, you chose to write on the site of Troy.

You finished writing it and proof-read it a couple of times, then started making flashcards for the Psych midterm. You have your Crusades paper to write as well, but it's not due for another two weeks, so you don't want to start it just yet.

Kylo had made a simple breakfast of eggs and avocado toast with some coffee, and you opted for grilled cheese for a quick lunch before returning to your homework.

You enjoyed doing homework here, it was quiet and peaceful. The glistening snow, the cool air, it all helped you zero in on your focus. You'd spent almost three hours straight just writing your Arky paper without even knowing how much time had gone by. And making the flashcards was easy, just had to copy the important point from your notes onto a flashcard. You'd gotten through a good amount before it was lunchtime.

After lunch you finished your flashcards up to where your notes had ended and decided to read some more of The Iliad while Kylo started his prep work for the upcoming week. A couples hours went by and you were reading on the big leather chair when Kylo came over to you. "I'm going to the store to get dinner, would you like to come?" He was standing tall, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hmm yeah sure, I'll come today!" You hopped off the chair, putting the bookmark at your place and you went to get your boots on.

You put on your jacket and grabbed some mitts and a hat, just in case. Kylo put on his long pea coat and slid on his boots, grabbing the keys he opened the door for you.

"Thanks," you slid past him and waited on the small snow-covered porch. He locked the door and held out his hand. You took it in your gloved hand and descended the stairs beside him. It was snowing just a little bit, the snowflakes looked soft and fluffy. He held your hand in his pocket to keep his hand warm. Yours was sweating but you didn't mind.

Walking along the tree-covered path you glimpsed at as much as you could. Since you had your eyes closed on the way in you were desperate to see as much as you could on the way out.

The trees had a slight curve at the top, creating the perfect canopy from the snowfall. Every once in a while the snow would get too heavy on the treetops and would fall down in big clumps. The pathway was gravel, you remembered feeling the small rocks crunch under your feet on the way in. It was beautiful. As you neared the car, you could see it through the entrance in the trees. There was a light dusting of snow on the car so Kylo started it up while he brushed the snow off.

You turned on your bum warmer and waited for Kylo to brush all the snow off. When he got to your window, you pressed your lips up against the window, waiting until Kylo brushed the snow from the exterior to reveal your face. He cleared the snow and laughed out loud. You giggled as he bent down and pressed his lips to the window, kissing you through the glass. Both of your breaths fogged up the window as you laughed through your noses.

He finished clearing the snow and got into the driver's seat. "So, I'm thinking we make our own pizza's for dinner tonight. What do you think?" He was swivelling in his seat as he reversed out of the small driveway-thingy where you were parked.

"Oh that sounds good! Like our own mini pizza's!" You smiled, starting to make a mental list of what you wanted to put on your pizza.

You arrived at the small general store, only seeing two other cars parked. Kylo got out first and opened your door for you. "Thank you," you said as you took his extended hand. He hoisted you out and shut your door, keeping hold of your hand as you walked into the store.

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