Chapter 41: Countdown

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–– New Years Eve...

Christmas had been insane. One to remember for sure.

You dragged Ben out shopping on Boxing Day, leaving first thing in the morning so that you could get a parking spot at the mall. You were ecstatic to be able to go out in public with him and actually act like a couple. No one knew who he was, it was perfect. He trailed along with you, voicing his opinion when asked, offering to buy you things here and there. It was a really good day.

The days in between Boxing Day and today were spent relaxing and doing absolutely nothing. No talk of school or work. You and Ben spent so much time together without having to worry about hiding your feelings for each other.

Your mum went back to work and a few days you went in to help her with some orders, Ben even helped carry the heavier arrangements and deliver them.

Your nights were spent in Ben's arms, he'd moved from the guest bedroom to yours exclusively now, and you relished in the feeling. It reminded you of Reading Break and all the time you spent together back then, and all of the things that changed for the two of you during that time.

This past week had been similar. More quality time spent together, and still things were changing. You were able to be open with your parents and heed their advice while being genuinely thankful for their support.

You hadn't told Ben about your semester abroad yet though and you wished you would have told him the day he got to your house. But of course you chickened out and now it seemed too late. You wouldn't find out if you got accepted until like January seventh, but even if you did get accepted you weren't sure if you wanted to go anymore.

You applied in a raged state, angry with him but more so angry with yourself. You just wanted, no, needed an excuse to leave. To be miles and miles away from him and maybe then your problems would be solved. Your dad would go with you and you could start over.

But now?

You could stay. You had a reason to. A purpose.

You know you need to tell him, but not just yet. It'll come up, eventually.

Today you're going to a get together at your parents' friends place, and you and Ben are going together. Thankfully these friends aren't part of the academic community, they're just people your parents have known since they were young. You and Ben can be completely transparent with your relationship and not have to worry about gossip. Well, you'd leave out the whole professor-student dynamic, but you can explicitly say you and him are together and they won't blink an eye.

"Holy. Shit. Bitch! I can't believe all that happened in the last week. You gotta update me more!" Leia squealed over the phone.

You laughed, "Yeah I know, I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

You hadn't talked to Leia really since you came home. She went back to her cabin with her parents and there was problems with the service towers, so it wasn't entirely your fault.

"But wow. If I thought your life was like a movie before, shit it's a fucking Hallmark movie now! And Ben?! Shit, I think I like Kylo better," she snorted and you laughed again, missing her more now that you were talking to her.

"Well I mean, he's still the same person Lei, he's himself now. It's different, but the same? Ugh it's hard to explain," you stumbled trying to explain it to her, but you couldn't find the words.

"So Ben in the streets, Kylo in the sheets?!"

"Oh my god, no!"

"Well, I'm just saying! Fuck, I gotta go babe. Han got his boot stuck in his snowboard," she snickered.

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