Chapter 22: No Peeking

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You woke up Thursday morning to an empty bed, cold and barren. You rolled over onto Kylo's pillow and gathered the fluffy comforter up to your face. Inhaling Kylo's distinctive scent: coffee and his delicious cologne, mixed with the laundry detergent and soap. You peered over at the clock on the bedside table: 8:57am.

Your stomach growled, you were hungry. You went pee, emptied your menstrual cup and reinserted it. You washed your face with a fresh-smelling facial cleanser and put your house-robe and slippers on. Walking through the hallways you could smell fresh coffee. You followed the scent to Kylo's office, the door cracked open as always, never fully shut, but never fully open. Much like him.

You peered inside and opened the door a little more, his nose was buried in papers, a red pen frantically jotting nonsense down. He looked up. "Good morning love, I'm just marking the rest of the exams before we go to your surprise later today."

You smiled. He didn't give you any hints as to what your surprise was, and now he'd just given a huge one away. You walked over to the edge of his desk, half-sitting on his left side. "So we are going somewhere then? The surprise isn't here?"

He rested his left hand on your thigh, the heat radiating through your robe onto your bare skin. You shivered. "Observant pet." He laughed slightly, his eyes not leaving the exam he was marking.

"Go look in the toaster-oven. I made you breakfast. Just hit the reheat button and it should be good." He took his left hand and patted your bottom, ushering you to go. "I should be done marking these within the hour, then we will start packing and head out."

"Kay, love you." You kissed his forehead and started to walk away. His hand caught your wrist and he pulled you down hard onto his lips. He kissed you with a fire that set your heart aflame.

"I love you too. Now, go. Eat." He smacked your bum again and you left his office. Humming happily down the hallway you mad your way into the kitchen. Peeking in the toaster oven you saw fluffy homemade waffles with some bacon. Oh fuck yes. You hit the reheat button and the oven buzzed to life. The smell of bacon filled your senses and you started salivating. You grabbed some syrup from the pantry and whipped cream from the fridge. You saw strawberries so you cut some up as well.

You assembled your meal and sat at the island with a glass of orange juice. You dug right in, scarfing your face with the delicious food. You ate silently and quickly, watching videos on YouTube and half-ass editing your paper. You'd finished most of it yesterday, save for the conclusion paragraph and title. You always waited until your essay was completed before you came up with a title, it was easier that way. You were pleased with how it turned out, your ideas well-rounded and flushed out.

You hoped you'd get a good grade on it. You didn't want Kylo to be biased when marking your assignments and exams. Though, thus far he hadn't been, your last short paper you only got an 83%. You thought you deserved more but Kylo said that you'd rushed your argument and your support wasn't strong. Whatever. This paper was already so much better, so you're eager to get your mark back already. Maybe you could hand it in early and let him mark it sooner.

You finished eating and looked at the clock on the stove: 10:11am. You decided to go and see if Kylo was finished marking the exams, you waltzed into his office and he was stacking all the exams.

"Good timing pet, did you like your breakfast?"

"Yes it was good, thank you," you walked over behind him, going up on your tip-toes to see over his shoulder, "did you mark mine?" You trailed your index finger down his shoulder blade and back up.

"Yes, I did." His voice didn't give anything away.

"What did I get? Can I see it? Did you write lots of comments?"

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