Chapter 38: I Know

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You and Ben had finished up your fuck-session quickly and returned to the dinner table. Everyone was still buzzing with dinner conversation, dousing themselves with alcohol. You were glad that no one really paid much attention to you and Ben as you sat back down. Your mum only gave you a slight nod when you sat back down and started picking at your food.

Dinner finished up and you helped your mum clear the plates. A quick refill of the beers all around and your dad took your guests back into his study for the rest of the evening.

This was definitely the weirdest Christmas Eve you have ever experienced, but for some reason you didn't feel out of place. Everything felt right.

Your guests would be staying the night and then they'd be setting off in the morning after Christmas breakfast, that way they can spend time with their families too. You wondered where Ben would go. Back to Alderaan? Maybe he could stay here with you...

Then you'd have to tell your parents about him. Maybe they'd understand. Your mum would, you know she would. Maybe your dad would be so happy that you found a history buff just like him that he wouldn't care that it was your former professor... Or maybe he'd freak out and be disgusted with you and Ben.

You didn't want to ruin any chance of Ben furthering his career with the help and guidance of your dad, so maybe you'd wait to tell them until you graduated. Maybe you'd just tell your mum for now...

You must have slowed your scrubbing cause your mum put her hand on your shoulder, snapping you from your thoughts.

"You sure you're okay honey?" She smiled serenely at you, genuine. Her eyes were welcoming, almost reinforcing the fact that you could tell her anything.

Do it, tell her.

"Yeah mum, I'm fine."


She cocked her eyebrow, god there was no fooling this woman.

"Well actually..."

Yes, you were going to tell her and ask for her advice.

"You know the handsome professor I used to talk about all the time?"

She nodded, setting down the pot towel she was holding to take your hands into hers. She made you feel so safe. So loved.

"Well... it's B––"

"Mrs. Johnston, where is your recycling bin?" Ben had come from around the corner, holding a couple of empty bottles.

For fucks sake.

Your mum's face lit up, "Oh Ben dear! It's just in the pantry here." She went to open it for him and he shot you a quick glance as he passed you.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnston," he dropped them carefully into the bin and went to the fridge to grab some more.

"Of course, and please. Call me Evie!" She smiled so warmly at him, and he smiled back. The dimples on his cheeks deepening as he laughed.

"Okay, thanks Evie." He looked down, blushing? Fuck you loved this man.

She pointed behind him back to the fridge after he'd grabbed a couple more beers, "Could you tell Billy that we'll bring in a snack and some tea later? Probably within the hour," she looked to you, "what do you think honey?" Ben turned to you now, looking at you, waiting for your response.

You swallowed, blinking hard, "Oh yeah, about an hour, yep." He smirked, looking like a school-boy you felt your cheeks get hot.

"Sure Mrs. Jo–– I mean Evie," he laughed again and your mum joined him. They were so good together, maybe she'd tell you what to do after all.

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