Chapter 3: Early Incompetence

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Surprisingly, you woke up before your alarm went off. Probably just first-day jitters, as always. You laid in bed a little while longer till it was 9:10am and then you trotted off to the bathroom. Leia was already gone, she had a class at 9:25 you remembered.

You started the shower and the water burst from the shower-head with a hiss and the room began to fill with thick steam. You put on some music and hopped in.

20 minutes later, you emerged wrapped in a mediocre towel and wiped the mirror of the condensation that collected. You took extra time with your skin care routine this morning and even blow-dried your hair. You headed back to your room and put your housecoat on, then sat at your desk to put on some makeup.

You don't wear much face makeup, a little bronzer and highlighter and that was it. You decided to do some winged eyeliner today and concentrated as you attempted to make the flicks even. Mascara and a little bit of lip gloss and you were done.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. You felt good. You put your glasses on and looked at the clock: 10:17am. You still had some time, so you curled your hair and then went to go pick out your outfit.

You felt powerful this morning, so you boldly chose a matching pantie and bra set that was covered with delicate white lace. You grabbed a black t-shit dress that came in at the waist a bit, threw on your mums old red 80s jacket and some black converse high-tops. Grabbing your backpack you readied yourself for the day and headed out.


The first day of classes was always boring as hell. Going through the syllabus was tantalizing and going into your last year, you felt as if you'd spent more than enough time with them.

Archaeology was alright, the class itself seems really interesting and the professor seems really passionate about it all. Your lunch break was good, and you spent the time looking again at the class site for Greek Mythology, still no professor assigned. You wondered who it would be, hoping it wasn't the shmuck prof you despised.

Just before the Crusades started you went to Starbucks to grab some liquid courage. Pax greeted you as you approached the till.

"Hey kid! How's the first day going so far?" he asked as he leaned onto the counter.

"It's good! You know how first days are though, boring, but necessary," you replied rolling your eyes. Pax graduated last year, so he knew how it felt to be a student. He started out as a barista just like you, but two years ago he got promoted to manager. He deserved it, and the store has never run more smoothly. You smiled.

You ordered and noticed Rey changing the coffee cadence, dumping the pot of dark roast.

"H-hey, so how did Professor Ren look this morning?" you probed as you paid for your drink.

Pax looked a bit confused as he responded, "he didn't come this morning, I was waiting for him and so was Rey. But then he just didn't show up." He shrugged, "Poe said he saw him in ExHall, so he's here, just don't know why he didn't get coffee today."

Your brain was trying to figure out why Professor Ren was already breaking his routine? It caused your stomach to churn. Maybe he decided he didn't like Starbucks anymore. Or maybe what happened yesterday scared him off for good. Great.

"Huh, that's weird. Well I gotta go to class, I'll see you tomorrow!" you said as you grabbed your drink.


You got to class finally and found a good spot, right in the middle about three rows up. Even with your glasses you still hated sitting in the back, and the front made you too nervous. You enjoyed Medieval history a lot, and this class seemed promising.

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