Chapter 15: What Redemption?

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TW: **Kylo is not nice at the beginning of this chapter, there is extreme physical abuse, Kylo chains up MC during a fit of rage. PLEASE read at your own risk! I know this is a spike in his personality, but when I was writing, this is how it came out. Please proceed with caution.**

Kylo launched himself towards you, picking you up by your armpits like you were some child.

His face was twisted, his teeth grinding his chin into sharp edges. His nostrils flared and his eye twitched in an all too familiar way. Anger.

"Kk-kylo, I can explain––" He had grabbed the letter from your hands, stuffing it back into the envelope before putting it in his back pocket. His grip on your wrist was like a vice and you winced at the pain.

"I did not tell you to go snooping through my stuff little one." He yanked your wrist and you heard your shoulder pop quietly.

"Ah! Kylo you didn't say which drawer, I was just looking for––" He was pulling you away from the dresser and out of his room. Dragging you by your wrist you had to run to keep up with his long strides.

"You should have seen that what you were looking for was obviously not in that drawer and moved on to the correct one." He was fuming now, spitting his words like venom into the space in front of him. Loud and clear enough for you to hear him as he towed you behind him.

"I'm sorry okay! Just stop please." You tried to pull away, but his grasp was too tight, he was starting to hurt you. Like actually hurt you. You kicked and screamed, trying to get him to stop pulling you along. Nothing worked, he kept going on, finally reaching, you realized, the basement door.

Woah. You'd never been down there before. And something tells me that I don't want to know what's down there. Out of sheer fear you screamed. A blood-curdling, high-pitched scream. Kylo stopped and turned around.

"I SAID STOP! Kylo you're hurting me, please sto––."

"Well you hurt me Sweetheart. Just returning the favour." He seethed as he grabbed your chin with his other hand. Squeezing until your jaw popped open in the most uncomfortable way. He was squeezing so hard that you thought he'd break your jaw.

You tried to speak but his grip on your chin was preventing you from saying anything. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks and your eyes pleaded with him.

Returning your gaze were black holes. Resonating with fear and hatred and hurt. His irises beady and watching you closely. His eye twitched and he spun around, releasing your chin you shot your hand up to rub the sore spot.

He continued walking, you having to keep running to keep up with him and make sure he didn't dislocate your shoulder. He spun and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder he descended the stairs. You kicked his torso and hammered punches into his back. Still nothing worked and he kept going down the stairs.

It grew dark, and then he threw you onto the floor. Landing on a what felt like a hard mat.

He flicked on a light bulb on that was hanging from the ceiling and you found yourself on a work-out mat of some sort. Tossed onto a raised stage that was surrounded by gym equipment amongst other things. The basement was cold and not as welcoming as the rest of his house.

Kylo walked behind you and as you were rubbing your sore wrist, he grabbed your ankle, clamping a cuff around it that was attached to a chain. A chain that was embedded into the concrete floor beside the mat.

"KYLO! What the fuck are you doing?! Let me go!" You pried at the cuff and tried to pull yourself free. It was no use. The chain and cuff were massive and thick metal. Trying to remove it only made it hurt more.

Sirens Eye || A Kylo/Ben X Reader Fic ||Where stories live. Discover now