Chapter 29: Perfect & Pretty & Pink

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TW: anal sex, double penetration, multiple orgasms, lots of dirty talk. XOXO

You walked over to the bed slowly, letting your eyes flit over the gorgeous dress that was laid out for you. It was a cream-coloured silk floral dress. From what you could see, it had two slits on either side and the back was criss-crossed. You picked up the hanger and lifted the dress carefully off the bed. It glistened in the low light in the bedroom, the delicate silk material rippling as you manipulated it in your hands. It was pillow soft, and when you turned it around you noticed that the back was low and hung in a cowl style.

You peered behind the dress and saw the most gorgeous pair of nude stilettos resting beside a sleek black hair clip. You set the dress down gently and picked up the shoes. Bringing them to your chest and hugging them tightly. You squealed and decided to go and put some makeup on.

You grabbed your makeup bag and went into the bathroom, shoving your glasses onto the top of your head you examined your face. It was still a little greasy from the spa, but it wasn't anything that some powder couldn't fix. A quick janky winged eyeliner job and you caked on some mascara. You didn't bother with bronzer or anything, but you did put on some pink glittery lip gloss. You ran back into the bedroom and grabbed the black hair clip. You pulled your hair back in the mirror, pulling some bits to frame your face you clipped up the rest.

You brushed your teeth and sprayed some of your expensive perfume over your décolletage, rubbing some behind your ears and on your wrists. Skipping back into the bedroom you took the dress off the hanger, admiring it again before putting it on. You slipped it over your head, adjusting the cowl in the back. The slits sat on your thighs at the perfect height, the dress hugging your curves in all the right places. You spun around feeling so damn good.

You slipped on the heels and practiced your walk. Strutting to the balcony and back into the bathroom. Hearing the clicking sounds on the old tile floor made you feel powerful. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. You felt amazing. You hadn't done anything extravagant with your face or hair, but you felt more beautiful than you had in a long time. And knowing that Kylo had picked this out for you, with your figure and personality in mind, made it all the better. He knew you so well. Florals and a nude colour palate are completely your thing.

You glanced at the clock and it was almost 7:00pm. You didn't want to leave Kylo downstairs for too long, so you took a deep breath and started your descent down the stairs. At the first click of your heel on the first step you heard shifting downstairs. You kept walking down the stairs and your eyes had to readjust to the dim lighting. As the main-floor of the cabin came into sight, your breath was taken from your lungs.

Kylo was standing by the small dining table, there were candles everywhere. Small tea-lights, tall slim ones and even short fat ones. All white. The candles cast the warmest glow throughout the main floor and you felt the heat rising within your body before you had even made it all the way down the stairs.

Kylo looked sexy as fuck. In the dim lighting his hair cast a dark, delicious shadow over his face. His eyes burning with amber desire and lust. The buttons of his shirt were straining with his every breath, his chest pulsating quickly as he drank you in. His eyes leisurely drew over your body. Half-lidded he lingered on your chest, then your waist, then your legs. He ate up every single bit of your figure, licking his lips as his eyes danced over your exposed flesh, his breath hitching as he caught sight of your stiff nipples, your piercings outlined by the thin material. His eyes flew back down to your legs, trailing down until you had firmly stepped down the stairs completely. His fists clenched at his sides as you walked slowly towards him.

You waltzed over to him, extending your legs and trying not to trip over yourself. You stopped centimetres from his chest, looking up at him with doll eyes. His eyes followed you until they fell onto your face. They ever so slightly darted down your neckline, catching a perfect view of your breasts from above. You shamelessly moaned, your head falling back. Kylo was invigorating. The sheer power he held over you was colossal. His hand found your neck, falling in a searing line tracing your collarbone. His fingers rough against your soft skin. He was literally just looking at you, taking your appearance in, and you were already coming undone before him.

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