Chapter 31: A Trip

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–– Kylo's POV

Kylo really didn't want to go meet with Bazine. She was a stuck-up whorish grad student who he had the unfortunate pleasure of working on an independent study with. She had been trying to get in his pants since her undergrad years, but he continuously rejected her. Most of the time, Kylo could deal with her over email, but as the semester was past the midway point, he needed to meet with her to review her Thesis.

He got up to the Starbucks and decided he'd need coffee to get through their meeting. He hated waiting in line if Sweetheart wasn't there, but he saw Paxon and figured that was alright. Kylo liked Paxon, he liked that he was there for Sweetheart and that he supported their odd relationship. He'd never say that out loud though, so he'd keep it to himself. Kylo waited in line, impatiently until Paxon called for the next customer.

As soon as Paxon saw that it was Kylo he smiled. "Hi! Welcome to Starbucks where all your bucks are stars." He winked, leaning into the counter. Kylo wanted to laugh at that ridiculous slogan, but swallowed any sign of amusement. "Hello Paxon, grande bold, no room please."

Paxon punched in the order and another employee grabbed a cup to get the coffee. Rey maybe? He didn't really care. "Oh wow grande today huh?" Kylo gave Paxon his gold card and Paxon swiped it through the till. "Yeah, I'm uh- I'm meeting with a student of mine who gives me a headache." Paxon burst out laughing, "No shit huh Professor?"

Kylo could barely keep up with the way Paxon talked, so he mostly just nodded and said yes. He took the cup the other barista put down, ignoring her smile at him.

Kylo looked behind him to make sure there were no other customers. "Yeah, sure. She should be here momentarily. Actually, can I ask you a favour?"

Paxon's eyes lit up, "Oh yes, anything for you Professor."

Kylo shuddered, he knew that Sweetheart told Paxon things about them... "Uhm. Yeah, could you text our girl for me? When I told her I was meeting with a student I could sense her jealousy. I just want her to know there is absolutely nothing to worry about."

Paxon crossed his arms, nodding furiously. "Alllllready ahead of you big man. I texted her as soon as you got into the lineup. I'll let her know what's happening. And believe you me, I will be keeping a very close eye on this student of yours. If I see anything more than student-teacher professionalism I will make a scene." Paxon leaned over the counter, encroaching on Kylo's space. "And don't think I won't."

Kylo leaned in too, closing the small space between them. He huffed, "I wouldn't expect anything less from you Paxon." Paxon sprung back, all seriousness gone from his expression, replaced by giddy happiness. "Good!"

Kylo glanced passed Paxon, seeing Bazine waltz through the doors. She caught his sight immediately and started waving, shouting at him. Paxon turned around, mouth gaping as he spun back to face Kylo. "That's not her is it?" Kylo sighed and rolled his eyes nonchalantly, "Yes, unfortunately." Kylo half-assed a smile and waved weakly back. She sat down at a table near the pass-off and flipped through her presumed Thesis.

Paxon snorted, "Daamn Ren. Bazine is a crazy fucking witch-bitch," his eyes went big. "Oh, shit sorry. I probably shouldn't say that to a professor."

Kylo actually laughed this time, a short, but full on, belly-laugh. "No, you're absolutely correct Paxon. She is." Paxon burst out laughing then, composing himself when someone else entered the lineup.

He whispered, "Don't worry, I'll text our girl," loudening his voice, flipping on the customer-service-switch, "Have a great rest of your day Professor Ren!" Kylo just nodded, smiling as he walked away and towards his meeting with the devil's whore.

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