Chapter 2: An Unsatisfied Craving

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TW: brief mention of drug addiction. No actual use of drugs, just referring to Kylo as your own potent drug.

You stood there, mouth agape, while he stared at you intensely. Wow fucking say something you dumb-dumb, you thought to yourself.

"Oh! Yeah, well you're hard to forget," you winced, he stared more, "I-I mean your order is hard to forget! Haha, it's like the easiest drink to remember." That wasn't so hard to spit out, was it?

"Mhmm," he said as he pulled out his sleek leather wallet and grabbed his Starbucks gold card, not faltering from your gaze.

"Right... Anything from the pastry case this morning?" you choked out, gesturing to the case filled with carbs on carbs of fluffy pastries.

"No, thank you," he replied, saying your name again. That made you shiver again.

You clicked the screen and while he was paying you spun around to pour the coffee. Thank the Maker that he orders brewed coffee, because you never have to ask for his name for the cup. You were sure that you'd spontaneously combust if he ever said his name to you.

You glanced over at Pax who was leaning up against hot bar, waiting for more drinks and he winked at you. You shot him a smug look and turned back to Professor Ren.

"There you go sir, h-have a good day" you said as you went to place the hot cup on the counter. He reached for it as you set it down and your fingers touched ever so briefly. Your stomach dropped out of your ass. Your breath hitched. Fuck.

"Thank you, see you around" he said as he walked off.

You watched him longingly and realized you were holding your breath. You let it out quickly and spurted as you tried to settle yourself. You looked back at the cash register and, thankfully, there were no more customers. You turned to see Pax standing directly behind you.

"Well, I gotta say. You could have handled that more smoothly!" he snickered to himself and slapped his knee, clearly making fun of your failed attempt to seem calm and collected in front of Professor Ren.

You punched him playfully in the arm, responding, "yeah, well you be on cash at 7 o'clock every damn morning then!", fake laughing to yourself.

You didn't really mean that, you needed to see Professor Ren every morning, you craved it like taking a hit of the most potent drug. Yet, you were always left feeling unsatisfied. Ugh, how did he do that to you?! You've never taken any of his classes (American History, EW) and you've only ever seen him when he comes to get his coffee. Your interactions don't last more than a couple of minutes, yet you always find the wrong things to say. All while he seemed to say just the right things to you, making you melt every time.

Another glance at the clock, 7:06am. Shit, this was going to be a long first day.


2:30pm rolled by and you clocked out just before the late afternoon rush. You said bye to Pax and the other employees and headed down to Mandalore for a late lunch.

Trotting down the stairs you heard some voices around the corner. You gasped and stopped in your tracks as you recognized one of the voices. Tip-toeing down the last couple of steps, you peeked around the corner to see Professor Kylo Ren talking with another professor. You kept your distance but you were able to make out that they were arguing about something.

"Maz, that is not fair! I am an American History professor, one of fact, not fiction," Professor Ren said firmly with his arms crossed in front of his broad chest.

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