Chapter 14: Ominous

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You strolled into his home, breathing in his familiar and comforting scent. The house was cool from the brisk November air, the only warmth in the entire house coming from the many fireplaces. Kylo didn't get cold often, which sucked sometimes because you were always cold. But he always had tons of soft blankets, fuzzy socks, and cups of hot coffee or tea to keep you warm. Along with the snuggles you got once or twice.

Your nose instantly laid upon something delicious, and your stomach growled.

"Oh, I guess I haven't eaten much today. What smells so good?" You had put your bags down and Kylo was helping you take your coat off.

"Come, let me show you." He held out his hand and you took it. Guiding you into his gorgeous kitchen to reveal an amazing place-setting at the table.

A beautiful bouquet of flowers sat in the middle of the small round table: carnations, baby's breath, roses, and one massive sunflower. All of your favourites. There were rose petals sprawled out on the table-cloth and you saw a trail heading over to where his bedroom was.

"Ah, that's for later Sweetheart. Eyes away. Do you like it?" He stepped to the side to reveal a crockpot filled with delicious looking, and smelling, stew. Your mouth began to salivate.

I love how domestic he can be. He is cooking with a damn crockpot in his farmhouse for fucks sake.

His home was a stunning bungalow, the entire main floor bigger than your house at home. The only matching feature between the inside and the outside is that the shade of white is everywhere. The side-boards outside are a beautiful stark white, the house practically glows against the deep evergreen landscape.

The inside of the house is a combination of warm tones and white. The kitchen countertops are white marble, the appliances a gorgeous stainless steel, and the fixtures on the white cupboards are a warm brassy colour. The house was immaculate, and you'd expect nothing less for Kylo's home.

You were amazed at the attention to detail, even the smallest things he considered. The first time you stayed over, he had gone out and bought an entire hair care, skin care, and body care routine for the one shower you took. You were blown away. And you loved it.

"Yes, it smells and looks amazing. I'm starving." You licked your lips and peeked on your tip-toes to get a better look into the crockpot.

"Good. Sit. I'll serve you and get us something to drink. Relax Doll. I want your first night of Reading Week to be stress free. Let me take care of you tonight." His last words made you shiver and your heart skipped a beat. You smiled and nodded, going to sit in your spot.

You always sat in the chair that had the big window in front of you. Kylo said he liked seeing how the light danced off your face through the small pane of stained glass he had installed. You always blushed when he said stuff like that. He also said that chair was closest to the countertop, so he could bend you over and fuck you more easily if he wanted to. That always made you blush too, just not in your face.

You took a deep breath in and let your head fall back as you relaxed. For the first time in weeks you actually felt like nothing was hovering over your head. And you'd only just gotten to the house.

Kylo came and poured you a glass of rosé, topping it off with raspberries and blackberries. He poured himself a glass of whiskey on the rocks. The strong smell made your nose scrunch up. He put your stew in a considerably smaller bowl than his, but gave you a much bigger piece of bread to go with yours. He knew you loved carbs. You couldn't get enough of them.

He sat down and looked up at you. You raised your wine glass, "a toast, to uhh–– to..."

"To us." He finished for you, clinking your glass before taking a slow sip. You smiled and took a sip of your own drink.

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