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Last night was Liv and I's first New Year's Eve together and was almost ruined luckily, we got to end the year together. This morning I was the first one up. I got out of bed and just stood there and watched Liv as she was sleeping. I thought to myself how lucky I was to be able to call her my girlfriend I was just standing there all smiles and then I had an idea. Moments later I jumped on the bed to wake her up like she always does to me.

Liv: Holy shit, you scared the fuck out of me Oliver.

Oliver: Good morning beautiful.

Liv: Why the hell would you do that?

Oliver: I wanted you to see how I always felt.

Liv: I hate you sometimes.

Oliver: I wasn't going to let you sleep all day. It's our last day in Vegas let's go have some fun.

Liv and I got dressed and then we went to explore Vegas before we had to fly home tomorrow. We spent the day going around to different attractions and we went to the casinos for a little bit. Then it hit me and I had an idea.

Oliver: Let's do something crazy.

Liv: Like what?

Oliver: Let's get matching tattoos

Liv: I don't know how I feel about that. The one I got with Ruby and Sarah hurt pretty bad.

Oliver: Quit being a wimp they don't hurt that bad.

Liv: Easy for you to say, you have a ton of them.

Oliver: I'm going to get two and the 2nd one is going to be really painful.

Liv: I'll do it. What are we getting?

Oliver: It's a surprise. I'm going to get mine first then you have to get the exact same thing.

Liv: Oh boy this is going to be fun.

We found a tattoo shop and when we walked in this guy was just sitting on a couch in the lobby.

Oliver: What's up buddy. Me and my girlfriend are wanting to get tattoos.

Guy: Sounds good. I'm Chris so what are you guys getting?

Oliver: We're getting matching tattoos but she doesn't know what we're getting it's a surprise. After we get those, I was wanting to get another one done.

Chris: That sounds bad ass let's do it.

Oliver: I'll be right back babe you have to wait out here. You can't see what I'm getting.

*20 minutes later*

Oliver: Alright I'm done.

Liv: Holy shit that was fast what did you get?

I showed Liv the tattoo that I got she loved it.

Liv: So how bad did it hurt?

Oliver: I didn't even know he started.

Liv: Will you hold my hand?

Chris: Quit being a pussy it's not that bad.

Oliver: I like this guy he's funny.

Liv went and got her tattoo and she was being a baby at first but I held her hand through the whole thing and she made it through like a champ. When she got done Chris took a picture of our tattoos and she posted it to her Instagram

 When she got done Chris took a picture of our tattoos and she posted it to her Instagram

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